Pahvant Elk Archery
1/18/11 11:10am
I'm debating in putting in for the Pahvant Archery this year, I have enough points where I'm an automatic draw and just wondering if I should just wait until I am gauranteed on the rifle or hunt the unit now with my bow? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you!

1/19/11 1:02am
Nothing in life, especially hunting is a guarantee. I do the archery elk just because i don't want to wait so damn long just to hunt big bulls. The chance at a big bull is reward enough for me. Scoring is the icing on the cake.

1/19/11 9:55am
I think the unit is down on big bulls, but you should still be able to find plenty of bulls. Just not sure on size as compared to the past. My cousin killed a 320" type bull on the Muzzle loader there last year. Saw others same size and some at close range.

1/19/11 2:18pm
Thanks for the info guys! I wasn't saying a I would get a guaranteed kill in this unit, I just have more than enough points to draw that area. I'll keep my options open!