Pahvant Late Elk
5/6/07 5:50pm
I was lucky enough to draw for the late elk hunt on Pahvant. Did anyone hunt this unit last year? What should I expect? Any information provided is appreciated.
how many pts ya have?
good luck with that ill bet if you put some time into it you can get you a monster i know it produces some awesome bulls
When he went back to hunt them they had moved out of the higher country and it took him three day to find elk again. Even after he found them they weren't the size of bulls that he wanted so he kept looking. On the last day he found a bull that he liked and took the shot. Wouldn't you know it he missed and that was the end of his hunt.
I guess long story short while scouting them out during the summer talk to people down there and try to find out where they go when they move down to the lower elevations.
Wished that I knew the answer to that one myself.
Good Luck. :)
Thanks for the congrats everyone.