Pahvant Muzzy Bull!

This is the Bull my little bro was able to take. He passed him on the first day cuz he was only a 5 point. We chased some other bulls the next few days, but in the back of his mind this is the bull he wanted. He was able to get a 70 yard shot and decided he was not going to pass him up again. He is a stud of a 5 and my bro could not be any happier, he loves this bull. We put a tape on him and he came out at 340 as a 5 point. It was a blast helping him chase all the bulls, and Im glad he was able to take the bull that he wanted.
My boy with my bro's Bull
Gator and his 2009 Pahvant muzzy Bull
Springville Shooter
Congrats to you and your brother on a great bull, Hopefully your dad will get the tag next year and extend out the fun. Kudos to you for once again involving your son on the hunt, I saw him with mom's antelope and now uncles bull. Kids his age are the ones that we're counting on to keep the hunting tradition alive so we can watch our grandkids continue the legacy when we are too old to hike the mountains. Great Job!!!!-----shooter
Big FIVES are awesome, congrats to your brother and thanks for sharing the photos with us. 10sign:
Awesome lookin' bull. Congrats to your bro..
This is an AWESOME 5....better than alot of 6's. 10sign:
Awsome bull. Love the Big 5's. Do you have a picture from the side?
Here is the best side shot that I have, it is from a phone so its not that great. This is also just after he took it.
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That's a great bull! I love big fives.
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very nice!!
Nice heavy mass on that 5x5. Great bull. Congrats to you.
Sweet bull. You know its not the size of the animal that makes a trophy, its the size of the hunt. If your looking at size then points sure dont matter it is the score that counts. I'll tell you what I would shoot a 200" 3x3 buck over the same size 4x4 anyday, because side by side that 3x3 is going to dwarf the 4x4 or even better a 200" forky could you imagine how tall and wide that would have to be.
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Man that rack is massive congrats on the bull!!
Fantastic five!
That is a BEAST of a 5 pointer! CONGRATS to your brother...I wouldn't have been able to pass him up...even on the first day. Kinda like a 29" - 30" 3 point Muley.....tough to pass up something like that!
that is one of my favorite bulls that have been posted this year. that 5x5 is a toad! congrats and thanks for sharing :thumb
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Very Impressive!! Love the Mass on that beast! Congrats :thumb
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Very nice bull, he is heavy! and wide!
I heard of a 370 class bull taken by a friend who had the premium bull tag! hopefully I can get some pics from him to share! I believe it also was from the Pavant unit?