Pahvant Muzzy Bull!
10/4/09 12:14pm
This is the Bull my little bro was able to take. He passed him on the first day cuz he was only a 5 point. We chased some other bulls the next few days, but in the back of his mind this is the bull he wanted. He was able to get a 70 yard shot and decided he was not going to pass him up again. He is a stud of a 5 and my bro could not be any happier, he loves this bull. We put a tape on him and he came out at 340 as a 5 point. It was a blast helping him chase all the bulls, and Im glad he was able to take the bull that he wanted.
I heard of a 370 class bull taken by a friend who had the premium bull tag! hopefully I can get some pics from him to share! I believe it also was from the Pavant unit?