Painting Rifle Stock

I recently picked up a Tikka T3 270 WSM and I have a couple ideas concerning the stock.... I'm thinking of putting an aftermarket stock on it and trying to sell the original, OR, if it doesn't sell, try my hand at doing some sort of camo paint job on it. Has anyone had any experience painting a rifle stock before?
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I haven't yet, but there are alot of articles out there about doing it. You can use anything from Krylon to DIY duracoat kits. I just picked up a Savage stock from a guy on another forum that he had painted himself with duracoat and it turned out great. He also stiffened the forend and added a little weight to the butt. He then decided to go a different way with the build so I picked it up pretty cheap and am very happy with it.
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I was thinking about doing the same thing to my Ruger. Here are some links to DIY paint jobs.
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Varmint Al has a good tutorial on his page