Pasayten Wilderness in washinton

as any body ever hunted or been in this area? it looks very appealing to my high country mule deer hunt I want to plan.

any info would be awesome!


IdahoGobbler, I've never hunted it myself but from what I've heard and read it has some real bruisers in there for those folks that want to hike in.

I'll do a little askin' around and see if I can come up with some more info for ya.
I just got back from that area. There is a lot of rugged country up there. For my 2 cents it is probabally the most wild land left in WA. PM me some Q's and I will try to help.
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It is a cool area. The only thing is I don't think there is an archery season in that unit? I could be wrong though. If you have horses that would help a little. Some of it was burned this year. The best areas to hunt are the tweener spots. A little farther then the backpack hunters but not quite as far as the outfitters. Mostly just get in shape and hunt hard and you will be succesful. Good luck.