Patterning Deer

in a ten sq. mile rugged area with little hunting presure with flats on one side.what kind of patternig would you expect for any 3pt. or bigger
skyhawk, that's a tough one to answer off the top. What's the elevation changes like in the area, seasonal water or is there year-around water? Other competeing species in the area (i.e. elk, whitetail, etc)? What time of year are ya asking about?

I can say this, Mule deer bucks have been known to have ranges greater than 7 miles in areas where they must compete for mates, shelter, food, etc.
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I am just outside of phoenix so the elevations are between 1800ft to about 1100ft. There are no competing animals except for a few groups of javelina.There is year-round water that game and fish sets up including seasonal water.
If theres water, they will come!!!!

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If you can pattern a mule deer, you have it made. I have scouted 2 big bucks in Wyoming though out the spring and summer, no pressure at all, come fall, one antelope hunter got lost and walked into the area (private land) I did not see those 2 bucks until early November, but the others that where there stayed around.
Lots of Luck

M. Bird