paunsagunt control burn

I heard a rumor the other day that they are going to do a controled burn on the pauns. around cougar canyon. has any one else heard about this. I heard it will be mid september right in the middle of the elk hunt. if any one knows some info it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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Sweet, lets start some more fires in this state this year!! ](*,)
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ya know they will start one and it will get away from them and then will watch some of the best hunting habitat burn up. but hey these idiots know what needs to be done right!!!!! :>/
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I agree turkey track!
How many "control burns" and gotten "out of control" in the past???
This is not a year to be playing with fire, no matter who you are or how "controlled" it is!! :dumb
They already did one control burn earlier this spring on the Paunsaugunt, never heard of this one though? Surely not during the hunt like that. (???)
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I sure wouldn't put it past them! ](*,)
Heads or Tails
I wouldn't worry too much about a fire "ruining" the elk hunt on the Pauns' :)
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We had the lighting caused one last year that was right on the state line and it was a pretty good spot. I saw a number of deer in and around it.

I haven't heard about a control burn though.
Thanks for all your comments, i really hope they dont do a burn there. my dad shot a nice bull there last year and my uncle drew the tag this year and i would really like to get him a nice bull this year.
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good luck on your hunt i was ther in july and some nice animals.
They do alot of the "prescribed burns" in September because the humidity in the air makes it easier to keep the fire under control. The fire on the Dutton back a few years ago was started in June, and got out of hand real quick. I used to get upset when I heard about these fires taking place during the hunts, but when else are they supposed to do them? These burns are a boon for wildlife, the areas on the Dutton that were burned, now hold more wildlife than the rest of the unit. We need more prescribed burns not less IMHO.

my dad shot a nice bull there last year
Lets see the pics!
i only have a pic on my phone so i will try to get some pics taken of it and post them after this weekend.
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The Pauns is awesome my brother drew a deer tag 3 years ago and tagged a dandy buck i would love to draw out on that unit