Paunsaugunt - Muzzleloading hunt hurt
12/30/08 11:14pm
The Year 2009 brings a big change for the Muzzleloader hunt on the Pauns. The REGULAR rifle hunt on this unit will be two weeks later, than this year, starting on Oct. 17th and ending on Oct 25th. The muzzleloader hunt starts the next day (Oct 26th) and then the MANAGEMENT HUNT starts one day after the ML hunt ends.
This year the archers did better than the ML hunters and next year, with the delay of season, the REGULAR RIFLE hunt will undoubtable be the better hunt of the three. I hunted there when the rifle hunt started the same time as the state-wide general season and it will be, hands down, the best hunt of all, that's my prediction.
I think the MUZZLELOADERS took this one in the shorts. Can you immagine hunting the next day after the rifle season closed and then, trying to find a good buck the last of the season when the managment hunters move in on top of you.
This year the archers did better than the ML hunters and next year, with the delay of season, the REGULAR RIFLE hunt will undoubtable be the better hunt of the three. I hunted there when the rifle hunt started the same time as the state-wide general season and it will be, hands down, the best hunt of all, that's my prediction.
I think the MUZZLELOADERS took this one in the shorts. Can you immagine hunting the next day after the rifle season closed and then, trying to find a good buck the last of the season when the managment hunters move in on top of you.
the muzzleloader hunt stayed the same........
are you worried about the fact that the deer have no rest in between?
IMHO thats hardly something a LE hunter should worry about.
are you worried that the rifle hunters will kill all the deer?
IMHO the success rate will be the same, possibly the rifle hunters will kill larger bucks? Again, not something a LE hunter should be worried about.
are you worried about management hunters scouting the area during your muzz hunt?
Welcome to trophy big game hunting! How many are there really going to be? A noticable difference compared to the typical amount of recreationalists?
A pauns muzz tag to me means hunting mature mule deer during pre-rut/rut with a primitive weapon. Nothing more, nothing less........ If some of the forementioned things provide more of a challenge, so be it. It'd still be the hunt of a lifetime and fun as HE!!
Sorry for the rant.... I just dont think it's a big deal..... why did they move the rifle hunt anyway? I'm there is a good reason.
I understand your point, but this is POINTLESS to move things IMO. No I don't believe they moved the rifle hunt for good reason. But that's just my opinion, I think they moved it because the deer are on the move during the rifle hunt. So now in theory it should be a better rifle hunt.
Would it still be a fun hunt, SURE...less fun because of the move YES IMO. So that = BAD. :)
Why not have a EARLY management tag hunt for archery only???????
Here is the goal of the management hunt taken from the proclamation...
So what better opportunity to do this than with an early bow management tag hunt with a longer hunt than 5 days??
Makes no sense to me.
You had a couple of questions: First - are rifle hunters going to shoot the larger bucks- I say yes due to the fact they are now past the hard area to hunt and in more accessible areas. Second - no days rest - with a constant push - large buck will stay wary longer and most likely will not go into the rut as fast (excluding the weather variables of course). And third - Management hunters will looking for the largest buck they can find during the muzzleloading hunt.
You got to love it if you are a rifle hunter.
You archery hunters just kill me - make the management hunt an archery hunt - give me a break - you have all the advantages now and just keep pushing.
I think they ought to take the archery representative off the big game board and replace them with ML representative for awhile. You might see some benefical changes. I've got to give the archers credit for being very organized. MLoaders are going in every direction, but might look at things that might help ALL hunters rather than what is good for their select group. Yes, I also archery hunt, just don't live it.
I archery hunt also, and don't live it either. What's wrong with having an early and late management hunt? I don't see any problem with it. :-k
First, there is NO "archery representative" on the "big game board". In fact, as an archer who is VERY active in fighting for better bow seasons/dates/tags, I contend the Wildlife Board is very anti-archery. Where you get the idea they cater to archers is beyond me. :-k It is the rifle hunters who get the cream, the primitive weapon hunters, BOTH archers and muzzy's,, get the crumbs IMHO. Why/how you are turning this against the archers is beyond me. If muzzy and bow hunters would work together maybe we could get some traction. :thumb
What a mess!!!!!!!!
I'm a muzz hunter first, and an archer second
Our USA Congress has shown us all, that (us) John Q. Public is probably smarter than the average bear and that goes our the local and regional officials too. I really think one good thought out letter is worth 10 people at a RAC meeting.
The public overwhelmingly opposed moving the dates, the primary reason was the fear of this allowing more of the bucks to be killed in Arizona instead of Utah where they live all summer and into the fall. The Wildlife Board ignored the public input on this issue.
The management hunt I agree with, but the way it was done was totally without thought - The constant push, the size. Most of you out there reading this would think that if you drew that hunt you would cull out only the oldest and the biggest management buck, but the mass of the people putting in for this hunt, regardless of the orientation, will just shoot a young three point or two X three which could turn into a monster four X four. In fact if it wasn't for this fact I could certainly go for an archery management hunt. We all know bow hunting is more difficult and a lot of the bow hunters would shoot any young two point or three point that was unlucky to get close enough for a shot. I think a very late season is right for this control hunt because the big o' management deer needs to be as dumb as a rock. What good it's going to do, I don't know.
now i dont spend much time in the pauns but i would think maybe giving a few more reg tags instead of a management hunt would be better! first . ..some of those smaller bucks that will be killed could be the future monsters that would have been taken a few years down th road....second why even do these management hunts! it bombed with the elk ! it just plain didnt work! why screw up the deer ?
This same constant push will have there Pauns deer south of the highway and on to Arizona faster than before - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
We certainly don't need the deer hunt later or we might as well paint a number on the buck and have Mossback go with all of us and tell us which one of the rutting bucks to shoot. This change will be such an improvement in the rifle hunt and so drastically effect the muzzleloading hunt that if you're a ML'er, scream to the top of your lungs to any of those on the RAC' s or BGB. YOU HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT11