Paunsaugunt Archery Buck Part II

Brett, I havea feeling this may be one of the bucks you mentioned.

A friend of mine (Travis Holmes) killed it a few days ago, it is an absolute "pig"!

232 gross with a 214 typical frame. 10sign:

Sorry guys, i have been holding them for a couple of days without posting them.


I may even have pics of the other buck you are thinking of, they are on my other computer. Maybe I'll post them tomorrow. :)
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WOW!!! That thing is huge!
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That is Awesome!!! :not-worthy
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What an awesome buck Travis. I saw this buck in person couldn't believe it. It's incredible!!!!!
awsome buck!
i sent you a p.m.
thanks for sharing :thumb
Buck Fever
WOW!! That is a toad.. :not-worthy ..
****banana ****banana

Absolute BEAUTY!! WOW, what a buck!! He has it ALL.

Yes that's one of them, there is still 2 more that I know of.
mapleton archer
that makes my buck look like a spike . awesome job!
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Awesome buck!!! I hope there are some big boys left to chase on the muzzleloader hunt.

My God what an amazing buck! A buck of a lifetime!
one hunting fool
now all we need is the story to go along with this amazing animal and we can have it all.. almost all would be for me anyway is i was telling the story of how i got it. (???) anyway proceed please :tz
VERY VERY AWESOME! CONGRATS to the lucky hunter!
Heads or Tails
I am sure his story will end up in Muley Crazy. We will probably have to wait until then to read it.
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Nice buck. That old boy resembles old one eye more than any buck I've seen since he was taken by a guy who I've never found.
That is an AMAZING buck!!! Congrats to the hunter! 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
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Hey heads or tails do you know if this buck was killed over toward hatch? I had a permit down there this year and shot a buck on the east side of the unit toward podunk. I have never been over toward hatch but it seems all the huge bucks are being killed on that side.
Heads or Tails
I do know where the buck was killed. It was not by Hatch, and no all the big bucks are not by Hatch. It is a good area and there are good bucks there like any other area.

What was your buck like you gt by Podunk, that is a good area as well.
Even better than part 1...Awesome buck! Congratulations.
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Hey heads or tails i killed my buck up podunk road and it was a heavy 4x4 with three inch eyeguards and massive with deep forks. he is about a 180 buck with only a 22 inch outside spread. I think i may have heard about this buck and another buck and one of them apparently the other buck i heard about was killed over toward hatch. The other buck i heard about was killed on top of proctor canyon is that about the general area?