Paunsaugunt Archery Drawing Odds

Does anyone have an idea how many years and/or bonus points it takes to draw an archery muley tag in Paunsaugunt region?

The odds are posted on the Utah Wildlife Resource website, but they don't give you any information as to how many bonus points are required to draw a tag. Just wanted to get an idea of how long I will need to wait.

Has anyone hunted the General Archery Hunt areas near the Pausaugunt and is it worth the effort?

Sure would appreciate some insight into hunting southern Utah for Muley's.

Welcome to the site, I had 7 or 8 bonus points when I drew the Paunsaugunt tag. My was the rifle tag though, 2 years ago.

I'm not quite sure if it will take that long for archery, but it might?

I've done some General Hunting around or near the Paunsaugunt also.
Is it worth the effort? Humm.... tough question, depends I guess. Pretty tough hunting, but it takes a lot of scouting time to figure out where the deer are and they are pretty scattered. The herds in Southern Utah are struggling and have been for quite some. I've never killed a buck with a bow, have done some hunting without much success.

But I'm new with the bow and don't know exactly where to go yet, or haven't had the time to do enough scouting.
It's one on the best area's, or has been in past as stated, it has been on the decline because of the drought. It's still a premium limited entry. My brother has been putting in on a Bow tag for quite a few years now and has not drawn. I have known folks that have put in for 15 years and not drawn, then my uncle put in once and drew? go figure. I do know this, you can not draw if you do not put in :) My 2 cents.
Thank you for the looks like I will be in for a wait.
No problem, unfortunately your right and may have to wait a bit. :(
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Dont be fooled by the title of PREMIUM on the Paunsauguant! The other two responses lacked enthusiasm in the Pauns heards as well. There is always a chance at drawing the tag on your first time putting in, so to me go for the gusto! Utah's Henry Mountain herd is MUCH stonger than Paunsauguant! No joke! The Pauns is a unit that DOES have some quality deer, but big buck numbers are way up on the Henry's and will be for some time (or so it appears)! But that is my two cents, I think that many Utah hunters have their favorite units, but for an out of state hunter, the Henery's will be the real deal! I got to go with a buddy of mine this year on his rifle hunt in the end of October and let me tell you what! I have never seen big bucks consistantly like that any where else! I was there only a mear day and a half and saw over 30 180" class muleys a day.......from the roads! Road hunting isn't my way of hunting, but when your seeing deer from the road and can put a good stalk on them, why not? There were just too many bucks too look at and too much country to cover!

Bow hunting is the way to go if you want to hunt Utah more than one or two times in your life! Tags are hard enough to come by, so why not draw a hand full of Limited Entry Archery tags and do it the "hard" way???

Anyone else agree with me about the Henry's?? Good bucks all over, but I believe that this unit would give you the best chance, yet it may be the hardest to draw!

Go get 'em!! :arrow
I agree. I also agree that shedhunter should guide me if I draw! :thumb
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Your on for the draw thing! You draw, I'll go with ya! Havent been there much at all, but since I live closer I'd do the work! HA HA! But seriously, if anyone draws ANY tag relatively close to my home town of Cedar City Utah (anywhere in southern UT) let me know and I'll do what I can and if you'll let me tag along then theres no problem.....scratch my back and I'll scratch yours!
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BOHNTR, shedhunter

Ditto to shedhunter's last post, only in NM. I'd love to tag along with either of you to learn from the muley masters.

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For what it may be worth, here are my impressions of the archery hunt on the Paunsaugunt unit based on my personal experience a few years back:

If you choose to hunt the lower elevations of the unit you will primarily be hunting from a ground "stand" or blind, or spot and stalk method. If there's a tree you could hang a stand in and have any realistic chance of ambushing a buck from I never saw it! This makes for some very exciting hunting but also a lot of blown stalks.

Quite a bit of the country is littered with lava rock which makes the walking and stalking an adventure! You can expect to see mature bucks regularly and a really good buck or few during the hunt. Seeing them is one thing, getting into bow range-drawing your bow-and then getting off a killing shot is another though!

You can expect fairly warm to downright hot weather during the day with cooler nights. The hunt takes place during the monsoon season and it's not unusual to get into some spooky lightning storms with some epic gully washer downpours. Be careful where you camp.

I put in for this hunt every year and, while it is likely I will not draw, I eagerly await the posting of the draw results. Chances of tagging a buck are kinda iffy for my skills, but I love the country and seeing the bucks has been enough for me so far.

Good Luck in the '05 draw.
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You're seeing 30 180 class bucks a day? That must be where all those cheesy big buck shows are filmed like magnum mulies and massive mulies and such. Any idea how long it would take for a nonres to draw? Any idea what it costs to apply? I would surely trade a high odds blacktail hunt for a little help down there. Anyway, you have definetly peaked my interest and would like to know about how long it'll take to draw. Thanks
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Do you want to hunt with a bow, like original the post intrest, or another weapon choice??? It can take up to 15 years for a resident to draw a rifle tag so you get the picture! It is TOUGH to draw, but people still have to understand that you dont draw a tag by applying for bonus points! I was told by a good freind to apply for all the HUNTS I could and when you draw just take care of the finances any way possible! Hey, lets look at it in reality: how often do you draw one of these HIGHLY COVETED tags?!?!? I'll check into resident and non-resident draw odds for you and get some raw numbers for you though! Seriously though! The end of January is coming soon so apply!
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Archery guys:

Looks like the idiot above was yappin' bout this unit that Non-residents cant apply for archery or muzzleloader tags! Sorry boys! But if you look at the odds of drawing a nonresident RIFLE tag its only 1 in 517! Maybe the Paunsagaunt odds dont look all that bad for the non-residnets at:

Archery: 1 in 45
Rifle: 1 in 114
Muzzleloader: 1 in 134

Not too likely, but with all the USO law suits that could change REAL soon! Good luck you all! Also the whole point system helps some in drawing too! Residents on the other hand look at the worst odds in the states for us as well!

Henery Mountains:
Archery: 1 in 31
Rifle: 1 in 116
Muzzleloader: 1 in 76


Archery: 1 in 12
Rifle: 1 in 26
Muzzleloader: 1 in 28

Another out of the blue unit that isn't Premium Limited but I did see two PIGS on this year was the Filmore Oak Creek unit, now there are some real odds! Good chance at a big buck too!

Hope you are all as excited to see the outcome of this years draw as I am who is applying in ARIZONA this year??? I know I will! Thanks to those SOB's from USO we all have better chance at screwing you residents of AZ out of your tags!

Not really, Sorry AZ guys, but looks like the non-res. odds are going up down there, I really hope that one day all this gets set straight! I think that if my odds should get better in your state, yours should get better in mine! RIGHT?!? Look at the odds above, is it a bunch of CRAP that you out of staters cant hunt Utah's top unit in the state with your bows or muzzleloaders?? I'd say yes, and I live here!