Paunsaugunt Archery Elk

I drew a LE archery elk tag for the Paunsaugunt this year. I've read some stuff on here that's not too encouraging about the elk on that unit. Anyone have any positive experience hunting elk down there?? Thanks in advance for any advice!
I don't want to sound negative and discourage you, but there is Elk there. Not high numbers and not necessarily monster bulls. Try WhiteMan Bench area, there is a spring there that I have seen bulls on in the Past. Tropic Resevoir (above) some good draws hold Elk.

Not sure on the Archery success in past, but has been some decent success with rifle.
The Ox
hate to also sound negative but you may have some work cut out for ya i checked the archery harvest stats for paunsagunt in 2008 and out of 7 archery hunters afield 0 no success with it.. rifle 10 out of 17 killed for 60% success with avg age of bull at just over 4 years old. muzz had 5 outta 5 kill with a avg bull age of just under 6.sounds like the muzz tag is the way to go for pauns unit. good luck hope your one of the lucky ones