Paunsaugunt Muzzy deer 2012

First off, hello to all, new member here.

A little info-I am a Utah resident of 42 years and drew a Paunsaugunt Muzzy deer tag for 2012 with 13 points. I know its not going to be a easy hunt but considering my other options (Henrys rifle or muzzy, Alton cwmu) I figure its my best chance at a good Utah buck and I would like to draw a limited Utah Elk tag some day, running out of time.

I am looking for advice on the hunt from anyone with experience on the unit during the new muzzy dates. I realize that late september may be hardest time for hunting the deer. I spent some time on the unit last year before the archery hunt scouting and then again right before last years muzzy hunt. I got to know the top of the plateau pretty good .

Last year I believe the normal deer patterns/locations were effected by the very wet spring-water and feed evrywhere, deer more spread out on the unit then normal. There were not a lot of deer on the top plateau in early August, the bucks I did see were right near main roads. It was strange as I could not glass up any bucks away from the beaten path (roads and wheeler trails) where you would expect to find them. Serious glassing from vantage points in late September turned in the same results or lack of results I should say.

I have received a lot of advice allready but most of it is based on the archery season or the rifle season. I am getting conflicting advice on what elevation/areas to find the deer in late September. Some are telling me to hunt high on the upper plateau and the other opinion is to hunt the mid elevation juniper country.

One common theme is the deer move off the top once they shed their velvet and that the first hard freeze will move the deer off the top.

I guess my best game plan is to scout the Mid elevation country south off of the plateau and also the Hatch bench area and be prepared to hunt wherever I need to to find the deer.

Thanks in advance for any advice
::wel Hope you stick around and let us know the results of your success/hunt.

Couple of thoughts...

1. You have a GREAT tag first off, maybe the most challenging of the 3 hunts? Maybe not also.
2. In my opinion yes it was a bit of a tough year with the moisture last year and bucks spread out, but what you described up top is not abnormal IMO. It's actually quite normal, there is always some good bucks up there.
3. Im my opinion the deer will not move and will be in the same general area for your hunt as they were for archery. They just might be harder to find, they they are there.
4. Deer can be found high, mid, and low. Tough to say which is best.
5. The deer WILL NOT move off top once they shed their velvet.
6. The deer may or may not move after 1st hard freeze, funny talked with a guy at a TAXI shop last year 2011 (he had the Rifle tag) and was hunting up top the entire time. I asked him if the bucks were still there, plain and simple answer YEP.

So in summary, the deer will not move at all during your hunt. If they are there for archery, expect them there for you. That's been my experience. Pressure might move them around a little bit, but not from top to bottom.

*Part of the challenge is the deer come out late dusk or dark and don't stick around long in the AM before disappearing to bed.

Hope this helps! Good luck
I would stay on top if I had the tag. Where are you from?
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I live in Davis county northern Utah (west point).

Thanks for the responses.
I am used to hunting high country mule deer-I guess this will require a totally different mindset?

What would you say is the best game plan for hunting the top if glassing is not an effective method. Also way too many wheeler trails and roads (to much access) to really get away from people by backpacking in. Also seems that the old burn/ cut areas on top have grown in making it more difficult.

Cover a lot of ground on wheelers/ in the truck?
Find some hidden water and sit it?

If this summer hold true to form it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on the water holes. The water up were I hunt is drying up quick and will be a key factor in the up coming archery hunt.
I guess this will require a totally different mindset?
Pretty much, not sure how affective waters holes are up top to be honest? But yes the dryness and drought is going to play a HUGE part so finding a good water source would be helpful. Yea cover lots of ground, hoping you find a buck you want/like and know the area well. Then be aggressive, the deer are use to people obviously with the roads/atv's etc like you mentioned. Try to figure out where they will end up and get in front of them and let them come to you. It's not an easy hunt, but should be fun.
Yeah I didn't mean hunt right over a water hole per say but as lesser springs and ponds dry up it will help to know where the good water sources are and look around in those areas. Deer will travel a good distance from their hidding spots to get a drink.
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Thanks for the advice.

I know people get into them during the archery season on the Hatch bench so I would assume they would be there also on the muzzy. I plan to do some looking up top, the Hatch bench and south below Alton (Glendale bench road) and over to about timber mountain.

It just seemed strange to me when I could not glass bucks up on top last year-I even did some spotlighting a couple nights before the Muzz started last year between Mill creek and tropic res. and even that was not turning up many bucks.

I will keep you posted.

Know of any good bucks taken on the new muzz season dates from the last several years? Pics?

+1...stay up on top..
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Well the archery hunters have had a hard time up on top this year.
I have talked to a few LE Elk hunters that were just down there also.
The overwhelming majority have seen very few deer on top, myself included. Not good news.

I am going to give it my all an hope for the best.
I would look just under the pink cliffs or give proctor canyon a try.
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Thanks for the tip.