Paunsaugunt Report Anyone? Utah

Okay I know of about 5 tags filled on the archery hunt although I don't have any pics yet! Hopefully sometime soon.

Just curious what you guys have heard of or know of any bucks taken?

I'll share my pics when I get them.

Any good success on BOW hunt or how about the RIFLE which is currently IN PROGRESS!
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I havnt heard of any one getting any thing but they are on the move, If you know what I mean. :-$
I seen a Cactus buck in the back of a truck in town yesterday. it would have went at least 33" wide with tons of those little points. The pauns is the only hunt that is going on right now and is the only place i know of that has that big of cactus bucks.
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The two I have heard of being taken were average 4's. I talked to a couple guys that jumped a big one but couldn't get any shots.

From what I've seen I think most of the good bucks are still high.
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Saw a couple good ones in the back of trucks yesterday. Both four points.