Payson Sports is Closing

The rumors are true, Payson Sports is closing its doors and a freaking Wallgreens is going up in its place. :>/

I don't know why but I think it sucks. I do alot of my shoping there, Drew and Scott were awsome, and gave you great customer service, they would actualy talk to you and help you out unlike alot of the Morons that work at Sportsmans and Cabelas, that act as if you are taking time out of there busy schedule by shoping there. I wish them luck in what ever they are going to be doing now. Wish it wern't so.
That sucks man! I have never been in there, but i know what you mean about the customer service at Sportsmans and Cabelas, and i know how valuable a small town business like that can be. Nothing beats a Mom and Pop business as far as customer service goes because they know the value of treating people right. These bigger nationwide stores will get customers regardless, but these little stores typically work harder at it because they know the value of repeat customers. It's a shame they are going out of business. I have been into Gunnies in Orem a couple of times and everyone was very helpfull. I dont know if the inventory is quite the same as Payson Sports, but it's a good bunch of folks from what I could tell.
I have been in there a few times in the last few weeks. It seems as though they still have quite a bit of stuff in there. Looks like they still have a lot of guns. There is not much of a discount on most firearms right not, but I would imagine it will only get better the longer time goes on.
I drove down from Salt Lake and bought my muzzleloader from there years ago. Best deal I could find.