Pending P&Y Record Idaho Bull??
10/3/06 5:21pm
A quote from the email, don't know if it's true or anything else??This may be a new Pope and Young world record. The hunter shot him in Idaho at about 33 yards
Just thought you guys would enjoy anyway.
Anyone else tired of these darn HIGH FENCED BULLS that scatter the internet and people pay truckloads of money to shoot?
I agree with you Brett, I'm getting tired of the lies that go along with the photos. I don't mind seeing these high fence bulls but I wish they'd just tell us they're HF and not lie to us and make up some crazy story about being a Idaho, fair chase....etc...
As for me, I'd rather do my scoutin', walk all over God's green earth for miles and miles, camp on the cold, damp ground, and go home empty handed but VERY satisfied that I did my darndest than to pay for some canned hunt.
After all, isn't the essence of hunting just gettin' out and enjoying nature and pitting witts against some of the most beautiful and smart animals on the planet?!?!?! Harvesting an animal is just a bonus (although a nice one at that).
I couln't agree more.
These people think that the best part of hunting is being able to brag about the animal that they harvested. I won't even say "that they hunted for" cause they didn't. When the harvest becomes more important than hunt the whole point of being there has been lost.
To me hunting is a chance to be a part of the age old game of preditor and prey. A chance to pit my intelect against their survival skills. Sometimes you win and most of the time they win but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Don't get me wrong I'm putting in for trophy limited entry areas every year. No these aren't canned hunts but some of them aren't to far from it. The units are full of game that are huge cause they don't have much hunting pressure and more than likely I'll be hunting with a rifle so there won't as much of a challenge as with my bow. But if I every draw a elk tag in this state it will have a tough time beating the memories that I allready have from my archery hunt for elk in Colorado. To me that was the appitomy of hunting. Going into an area with only a limited amount of info and hunting until we found the game and then getting into range to make the shot and complete the harvest. It still seems like yesterday that it all happend.
Thanks for letting me ramble on and on. salxxute
I think next time the old lady and I venture to the butcher shop I'm gonna have her take a "field photo" of me, proudly kneeling in the shopping isle with my side of beef and my weapon of choice (in this case it will be my credit card) laying across the meat. Of course, I'll be wearing my cammo. Pattern, you ask? Well, when "workin'" the deep draws at the local butcher shop the best pattern I have found is the blue and white Hawaiian print shirt, khaki shorts, and sandles. You wouldn't believe how well I blend in!
Then I'll make a short drive to Moscow, ID where there is a company that sells hides and antlers. I'll purchase a nice set that I can hang on my wall and proudly brag about all the "scouting" I did to bring that bruiser home...LOL
Even after all of that, I'll have spent less than 10% of what one of those canned hunts cost yet I'll have a story I can pass on to my children and grandchildren. Maybe I'll start sellin' spots in my family mini-van for all those folks that want to enjoy that same experience. How's this add sound?
"Line up folks for the chance of a life-time. Fully guided hunt with all the comforts of home. 100% success rate with guaranteed trophy quality animals. Spots fill up fast (I have five kids and only six seats in the van) so make your move now! Prices: 1 day hunt - $30,000 (hawaiian shirt and sandles not included)".
You may be on to someting there. Where can I sign up. :))
Can you fit an extra bench seat in the back???? :))
I get to stuff myself in one. =D> Where do I send the check? :222 :1