peta's calling to try and ban hunting haha

had a very interesting phone call from yes im serious PETA haha answered the phone and it was hi this is such n such with people for the ethical treatment of animals and im calln to see if you would sign a petition to ban hunting in colorado to help save the wildlife. i said to the lady umm yea i shot a buck on sat and have it hangn in my shop prolly not a good idea and she went omg and hung up haha im mean really cant they just get the picture that they aint gonna change anything lol
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lol That was good.

But your comment that they won't be able to change anything is off base I think.

One of the things that they have goibng for them is that people often associate or confuse them with the Society for pervention of cruelty of Animals. People often donate to PETA thinking that they are helping the pets that are in the local rescue shelters.

My $.02
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lol that is pretty dang funny! I would love to get that phone call.
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i was all shocked haha i didnt know if i should just start laughn or what haha made my day
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I've talked to alot of peta peolpe about hunting. Pointed out that most biggame in the U.S. was decimated by 1963, elk,muledeer, whitetail, not to mention turkey and other birds. Then came regulations, licenses limits. It woke up hunters to conservation. I,m rambleing long story short the facts are that if it worn,t for hunters and the millions we spend every year there would only be wildlife here in zoo's. I am the Vice President of Southwind Haven an animal rescue in Red Oak Tx. When I talk to peta I try to point these facts out. In the last ten years I,ve only been able to change a few minds. But I keep at em. It really perplexes alot of there pea brains that I've hunted for 35yrs and run a rescue. They call me Peridox and I just tell em they should put there money and there time to a better use than trying to take fresh organticly grown food out of the mouths of millions of children.