Pete and Family 2011 Season

Well folks I figure I would start my 2011 story and just try to keep everyone updated on how everything plays out. My sittuation this year is much like most years. I am still in Therapy for my shoulder and ankle with the season coming up quickly. Archery season is upon me in NC already but I am far too busy with other things.
October 3rd I will put my wife and boys on a plane destined for home. After their departure my dad and I will climb into the hunting rig and make the 2500 mile journey pulling a 6x10 enclosed trailer with all of our belongings back to Utah. That is right I am moving my family home!!!
Anywho that leaves alot for me to do until then. My dad has a general season Mule Deer Tag this year. then my inlaws my wife and I and my Dad all have general season Elk tags. Then my buddy Matt who is leaving the Marine Corps after 8 years and I will go on our General season Muley hunt!
So this year should be a good year for stories and I home you all stay tuned! Here are some pictures of hunting country from my Dads summer scouting. BTW he found a 390 bull.... Guess who has enough points to draw their archery bull tag next year.... he he he
Pay no attention to the dates and there are no animals in these photos for a reason. Hopefully later in the year i can share before and after pics with you all. :-$
Nice country! Good luck with a busy fall.
Springville Shooter
Wish you the best in therapy, moving, and hunting Pete. Are you glad to be moving back to Utah?-----SS
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I hope things work out for you. Good luck!
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P.S. Beautiful country!
"Springville Shooter" wrote:Wish you the best in therapy, moving, and hunting Pete. Are you glad to be moving back to Utah?-----SS
I am thrilled to be going back to Utah. I have been away from the wild country too long!!!!
Beautiful country Pete. Glad to have you back in Utah.
Wow, those are some awesome landscape shots! Big congrats on the EAS, haha. A day almost every Marine constantly looks forward to. Somehow I've caught myself in a situation where I'm trying to talk myself out of reenlisting :s Never saw that one coming. Good luck this season, and I'm looking forward to following that elk hunt online next year!
Beautiful country my friend! Good luck!