Phantom bucks
10/11/09 5:48pm
It seems that I find myself chasing all these phantoms bucks or rumored big buck sightings. I've been very close several times and even drew blood on a possible top 10 muzzy record book buck from a friends tip. So I was just wondering if anyone else gets caught up chasing rumored bucks and have connected with any of them? I've been looking for a few big ones (30"+) that have been seen by the archers and muzzy hunters on opening day but no luck yet. They seem to have a great escape hole they are hiding in.

one hunting fool
10/14/09 8:56pm
i am chasing a phantom right now. i went scouting last weekend again and located a buck that i know will be a great deer for anyone. but as i was talking to my buddy (who has the tag) he tells me about a buck ( thought was the same buck as i had seen) that he thinks will push the 190's but he said it was in a whole other part of the area i had hiked into. i have been up there twice now and still can not see hide or hair of the buck he claims he saw. we will find out this weekend which is real and wich one is the phanton i guess