Pic's of Bucks Near Cabela's
9/29/06 9:55am
Here are a few bucks that are on private property near Cablelas in Utah.

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture038.jpg " alt="" />

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture037.jpg " alt="" />

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture036.jpg " alt="" />

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture035.jpg " alt="" />

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture034.jpg " alt="" />

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/Picture033.jpg " alt="" />

Anyway, which one is your buck? I think I would take the one that is singled out in the 4th pic.(the same buck is in at least 4 of the pics) But what about your second choice? That buck lying down on the right in the 2nd and 3rd pics looks good to me.
See this post on another forum: