pics from sat
3/15/09 4:05pm
i was glad to get out this week. still lots of snow, thanks to the 18" we got last week, but its melting now so i can get back out there! :thumb
Funny, I was out and about this weekend and spotted a small forkie that was still packing is antlers. Not sure if he just hasn't hit that magical drop point yet or had something else going on (stag or cactus buck). He didn't stick around long enough for me to get a good look at him. I just thought it was a bit odd that he was still packing.
I wasn't sure if he was just late or had other issues since he was the ONLY one I saw sporting head gear out of the 100+ deer I saw Friday. Anyone else still seeing youngen's packing bone?
BTW: Killerbee, in case you read this: I saw a BEAUTIFUL full curl ram at the mouth of the John Day on Sunday. Man, I wish I had taken my camera on that trip! I actually saw over 30 head but he was far and away the most impressive!
oh and yeap, YOU SHOULDA HAD YOUR CAMERA!! :thumb
I am just like you , my friend. I was driving about 20 mph and kept stopping to check out the sheep....the whole while folks were honking at me and going around me...LOL. I'm sure I got a few of the "one finger waves" and was called every name in the book but I was enjoying myself.
Floating the John Day for sheep, huh? Man, I bet that was one heck of a fun hunt!!! I'm sure they were floating it WAY FURTHER upriver than were I was (John Day/Columbia confluence along I-84) since, and correct me if I am wrong here, the John Day turnes into something of a small stream around McDonald, OR before picking up steam again prior to hitting the Columbia.