Picture contest for a free decal!
3/2/06 9:35pm
How about a little fun to stave off some of the winter down time for a free
Rules are...
1. Post picture of a mule deer (only one pic)
2. Must be registered to enter
3. User with the most votes for there picture wins. (will put up a voting option poll after a few days)
4. Image no larger than 600x400 please
5. Can be dead or alive picture.
Any takers?
Here is the decal - yours free if you win.

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/typical_buck_decal.jpg " alt="" />
Rules are...
1. Post picture of a mule deer (only one pic)
2. Must be registered to enter
3. User with the most votes for there picture wins. (will put up a voting option poll after a few days)
4. Image no larger than 600x400 please
5. Can be dead or alive picture.
Any takers?
Here is the decal - yours free if you win.

No I'm not really playing, just a picture to get us going...
The "FREAKIEST", craziest deer I've ever seen. Filmed him summer of 2005. MASSIVE bases. First black, charcoal, burnt tree buck, I've ever laid eyes on.
Great story though, thats awesome and good for him =D> ! Thats a sweet buck too! He's got some good mass to him, I'm yet to shoot a decent quality buck like that so congrats for him on gettin that for a first buck! thats sweet!
Your picture must be uploaded to the internet first.
Here is a link that may help on posting pictures, if your still confused then email me the picture and I'll get it up on the net for you. Then you can post it to the forum.