Pictures From the Consevation and Hunting Expo
2/6/09 11:58pm
I had a good time at the expo. It was really cool. Legs are a bit sore as I put in several miles of shed hunting before going up, and then a lot of walking at the show. No finds. Every thing was still packin. Here are few pictures for those of you who won't get to attend.
This first one is of the buck dubbed Houdini at the muley crazy booth.

Next is one again from the muley crazy booth. It is of several smoker bucks and a shed antler fence I hope they will install at my house when the show is over.

Next pic is of a huge 77" wide moose. Sorry it's a little dark.

Next is a pic of a cool friend I made at the show. Here he is giving me a bear hug. Incidentally I'm 6'2". Can you say huge for a brown bear?

At the show there were a lot of 400" plus bull elk. This one was a 355" bull but the mass was unbelievable.

As soon as I'm wealthy enough to pay $12,500 for a lamp, this is the one I'll buy. Coolest lamp I've ever seen.

Here's a closer view of one of the horns. The guy that carved them is amazing.

It may be a while before I'll be able to afford $12,500 for a lamp so here's another good one that was ONLY $2850.

Stephanie's (Ready's) buck was there.

Stupid me, my camera got switched from auto mode so this pic of spider bull is blurry. It was on a pedastal that rotated 360 degrees.

And finally is a pic of something that every hunter needs on those cold hunting mornings. It's the latest in thermal underwear.

No pic, but there is a coon tail on the back of that jock strap lol
I'm looking forward to seeing others pictures from the show.
This first one is of the buck dubbed Houdini at the muley crazy booth.

Next is one again from the muley crazy booth. It is of several smoker bucks and a shed antler fence I hope they will install at my house when the show is over.

Next pic is of a huge 77" wide moose. Sorry it's a little dark.

Next is a pic of a cool friend I made at the show. Here he is giving me a bear hug. Incidentally I'm 6'2". Can you say huge for a brown bear?

At the show there were a lot of 400" plus bull elk. This one was a 355" bull but the mass was unbelievable.

As soon as I'm wealthy enough to pay $12,500 for a lamp, this is the one I'll buy. Coolest lamp I've ever seen.

Here's a closer view of one of the horns. The guy that carved them is amazing.

It may be a while before I'll be able to afford $12,500 for a lamp so here's another good one that was ONLY $2850.

Stephanie's (Ready's) buck was there.

Stupid me, my camera got switched from auto mode so this pic of spider bull is blurry. It was on a pedastal that rotated 360 degrees.

And finally is a pic of something that every hunter needs on those cold hunting mornings. It's the latest in thermal underwear.

No pic, but there is a coon tail on the back of that jock strap lol
I'm looking forward to seeing others pictures from the show.

2/7/09 12:32am
I'm glad someone posted some pics so far... Fun Fun

2/7/09 9:33am
wish I could have been there - Thanks for the pics! And keep hittin those hills

2/7/09 4:23pm
Here are a few more

2/7/09 4:39pm
I shook hands with Chuck adams also. Jim Shockey too! I guess I was star struck becuase I didn't have someone snap a photo. Talked to shawn Bradley (7'6" Ex NBA) he was there with a 365" bull he took. Love the upstairs shot looking down on the Utah trophys. That 45" wide buck from 1938 was amazing to see.

2/7/09 5:31pm
Thanks for the pics! i really wish i coulda been there!!!

2/7/09 9:13pm
I was there this afternoon. All I can say about the spider bull is that if he and the two bulls that are displayed to each side of him at the show were running together, spider would be more than safe, he is not at all what I expected. Don't get me wrong I love a non typical, but that is one of the ugliest bulls i have ever seen. I would not have shot him if he was there with two others.

2/7/09 10:03pm
Was there a hole in the ear where the ear tag use to b? lol

2/7/09 10:51pm

2/9/09 11:03am
Thanks for the photos guys, keep em coming. I'd like to see more. :thumb

2/9/09 11:57am
Well I guess we will just see about me drawing a tag (which i know is going to happen) on the 13th. Lucky Friday freaking 13th.

2/9/09 12:55pm

2/10/09 9:15pm


2/10/09 9:19pm
WOW now THAT is an impressive bull,the spidey mount does look like S***,looke way better in the field pics.

2/10/09 9:34pm
WOW! The fronts on that bull are absolutely INSANE!

2/10/09 9:41pm
The one to the left? Oh ya, the one that looked like he was 60t inches wide. That thing was a monster.

2/11/09 12:05am
cool pics looks loke a good time