pin spacing

Just wondering What most of you guys set you bow sights for. Does anyone set theirs for 15 25 35 45 55 yards and so on. or do you guys like to keep it even at 20 30 40 50 60 yards any replies would be awesome thanks. cause 15 yards seems pretty close for a mature mule deer buck. but just wondering if anyone sets there top pin at 15 or lower?
25,35,45,55,65 for me. I make sure to practice at closer distances to see how my bow performs.
l set mine at 20, 30, 40, 50...
20,30,40,50,60, then 70 is my leveling bar.
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I go 30,40,50,60,70,80. I have found that my 20 yard pin and 30 yard pin are not off by really anything.
20-60 for me.
My 20 to 30 are allmost excact so I go20,40,50,60,70,80 even though 60 to 65 is the extent of my comfort zone.
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thanks for all the replies
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It really depends on your arrow weight and speed. I've been playing with a new bow (Quest Primal @ 30 inch draw) and at 70 pounds and with my 360 grain arrows I can shoot the kill on the mackenzie target out to 40 with my first pin. I've since turned it down to 60 and have set my first pin at 30 and can kill out to 35 with one pin. I'm going to use my old bow to finish this season then rethink pin spacing for next year. It's set at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. It shoots at 250 fps. I'm thinking the Quest Primal is 300 fps or better @ 70 (it's 287 @ 62). New toys are so much fun! But I'm sure if I get a chance to shoot a deer I'll blow it if I change now. It does shoot g5 Montecs really well out to 70 yards though.
"bc.pse" wrote:20,30,40,50,60, then 70 is my leveling bar.
What do you mean by leveling bar? l have never heard that...
I set mine at the traditional 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yard spots. Some people have mentioned that thier 20 and 30 yards are pretty much the same. One thing to consider is that this statement might not be true at steep angles but I'm pretty much a newbie to archery hunting. How about it guys. Does the steep angle change the consistency and accuracy of one pin being used for two different yardages? fatrooster.
"PhillyB" wrote:
bc.pse wrote:20,30,40,50,60, then 70 is my leveling bar.
What do you mean by leveling bar? l have never heard that...
I think he means at 70 he uses the top of his bubble level on the sight. Kinda confusing how I worded it, hopefully it makes sense :-k
"zrider2" wrote:
PhillyB wrote:
bc.pse wrote:20,30,40,50,60, then 70 is my leveling bar.
What do you mean by leveling bar? l have never heard that...
I think he means at 70 he uses the top of his bubble level on the sight. Kinda confusing how I worded it, hopefully it makes sense :-k
Oh... that makes sense now.
l thought their was some new, innovative method to using sights to level the bow out. Thanks
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"fatrooster" wrote:I set mine at the traditional 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yard spots. Some people have mentioned that thier 20 and 30 yards are pretty much the same. One thing to consider is that this statement might not be true at steep angles but I'm pretty much a newbie to archery hunting. How about it guys. Does the steep angle change the consistency and accuracy of one pin being used for two different yardages? fatrooster.

You shoot the horizontal distance to the target which doesn't change no matter what sight system you use. What gives most people trouble is angling the arrow into the vitals. You need to hit higher to kill from above the animal and lower if you are below.
If the bow shoots so flat that you are 3 inches high at 20 yards and 3 inches low at 35 or 40 all you do is cheat the pin a little high or low. Having your first three pins overlap is not good. Mine tend to blur and just cover up the animal. My other bow has enough space between them that I get a good sight picture.
As for the "level bar", it does exists. I have one that installs in the sight window and is adjustable. It's a bar with a level on it. Not like the levels that are built into the sight window.
"PhillyB" wrote:
bc.pse wrote:20,30,40,50,60, then 70 is my leveling bar.
What do you mean by leveling bar? l have never heard that...
the little bar that tells you if you bow is level I have one on the bottom of my sight and I set it for 70 then take the next pin and sight in backwards. I hope that answers you question?
I think that it means if they hold the top of the bar at the bottom of there sight on the target they will hit the target when they are at seventy yards.
"a_bow_nut" wrote:I think that it means if they hold the top of the bar at the bottom of there sight on the target they will hit the target when they are at seventy yards.
If I'm shooting my Gold Tips my pins are 25, 35, ...out to 65. But if I'm shooting my Easton ST Epics, they go 25,35,40,45,50. I'll be in the market for a longer range sight pretty soon. lol
30,40,50,60,70 28.5/70 305 fps with a 439gr arrow
20 thru 60 for me also.
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"Mularcher" wrote:30,40,50,60,70 28.5/70 305 fps with a 439gr arrow
Hey Mularcher,
Wow now thats some kinetic energy. :thumb What bow are you shooting and which arrow?
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My advice is if you can afford it, buy the Sure Loc sights like the sportsman special and have a sight tape made using the archers advantage. Then you will be able to adjust your sight to any yardage that you want. Just my two cents.
"BowtechAdmiral" wrote:
Mularcher wrote:30,40,50,60,70 28.5/70 305 fps with a 439gr arrow
Hey Mularcher,
Wow now thats some kinetic energy. :thumb What bow are you shooting and which arrow?

I have the Mathews Monster and a Easton full metal jacket arrow,
not the smoothest draw but it does fling a arrow...
Two weeks ago I picked up my Mathews Reezen, and now it all changes. With a 390 gain arrows I can sight my first pin in at 25 yards and my second pin will zero at 45 yards. I think I need a new sight. That bow is scary fast. My last bow in comparison, it's like the deference between a .223 and a 22-250 rifle. Whole new ball game now. lol
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Another factor that will affect what yardage you may choose for your first pin is your anchor point and peep placement. The lower you anchor and the higher your peep is the longer the arrow stays below the line of sight and the flatter the trajectory will seem.