Pine Valley Turkey
2/1/05 3:18pm
Hey ya'll!
I finally drew my turkey tag on the Pine Valley B hunt here in So. Utah. Here's my question for you other turkey hunters, what would you take hunting and why? I am goning to try to shoot it with my bow. It might be tough, but if it comes within shotgun range, the bow should be just as good as weapon. I had 3 points if you were wondering. Anyone else draw??
I finally drew my turkey tag on the Pine Valley B hunt here in So. Utah. Here's my question for you other turkey hunters, what would you take hunting and why? I am goning to try to shoot it with my bow. It might be tough, but if it comes within shotgun range, the bow should be just as good as weapon. I had 3 points if you were wondering. Anyone else draw??
The Pine Valley boundaries are the same as the deer management unit. Starting at the Utah-Arizona state line on I-15 north to SR 56 or Highway 56 here in Cedar. From there west on SR 56 to Lund Highway. North on Lund Hwy to the Union Pacific railroad tracks then southwest on the tracks to the Utah-Nevada border, south on the border to the Arizona-Utah border and back east to I-15. Basically west of I-15 and south of Lund. Its a big unit and there are a lot of turkeys....if you know where they are at! Give it a try one of these days! You'll have a blast, I promise!!!