Pink camo buck
2/23/10 6:41pm
Here is a buck My wife took and she wanted it camo. Tell me what u think? :thumb :>/ " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

BUT---- the pink just dont really do it for me personally. but to each their own. if she wanted it great for her! i'll bet shes happy with it :thumb
Not going for the nature look. Plain white just gets old had enough of them around. I like them raindrops they look real. Going to do my next one in morning wood naked women on it that should turn out great.
This is why are world is crashing around us "not going for nature" why Do we humans have to try and improve nature with our own twist. This world needs to enjoy eveything we have from nature as it is.
I know primal. I was just saying Im tired of the plain white ones if u know what I mean. U make a good point there. But do u think the plain white euro are of nature? Just leave it with leaves and dirt on it.jj