Pit Bull gets it by kitty


I grew up in A.F. I cant imagine a big cat in town.
Never really been a fan of pit bulls, but thats scary to have a cougar bold enough to come into town. Weve had a few cougar siteings on the golf course behind my house. Haven't heard of any trouble though.
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Good Kitty
but thats scary to have a cougar bold enough to come into town.
Pretty common occurance in some Colorado neighborhoods especially Boulder Colorado
There was that same kind of ordeal that happened in my town last year, but instead of the cougar getting away the owner of the dog it attacked (and actually killed) shot it with a pistol.
one hunting fool
I have seen mountian lions near Mill creek canyon running right through Olymapus cove. you live near the mointians you should expect to have them come down. thats my ($$)
"one hunting fool" wrote:I have seen mountian lions near Mill creek canyon running right through Olymapus cove. you live near the mointians you should expect to have them come down. thats my ($$)
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"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:
but thats scary to have a cougar bold enough to come into town.
Pretty common occurance in some Colorado neighborhoods especially Boulder Colorado

But in Boulder the cat knows its safe. To many tree huggers. lol
"one hunting fool" wrote:I have seen mountian lions near Mill creek canyon running right through Olymapus cove. you live near the mointians you should expect to have them come down. thats my ($$)
Agreed. Nothing in A.F. is close to the mtns though. I guess it could be down by Utah lake? Dont know for sure.
"one hunting fool" wrote:I have seen mountian lions near Mill creek canyon running right through Olymapus cove. you live near the mointians you should expect to have them come down. thats my ($$)
"JLROOT" wrote:
TheGreatwhitehunter wrote:
but thats scary to have a cougar bold enough to come into town.
Pretty common occurance in some Colorado neighborhoods especially Boulder Colorado

But in Boulder the cat knows its safe. To many tree huggers. lol

Hey one hunting fool, I'm sure the Olympus cove cat feels the same as the Bolder cat. Plenty of tree huggers in the cove. lol
one hunting fool wrote:
I have seen mountian lions near Mill creek canyon running right through Olymapus cove. you live near the mointians you should expect to have them come down. [/quote]

Agreed, I always find it funny how the Boulder tree huggers and anti's scream about everything that is not green and protected and how they feel the need to live close to nature (like on and all around the base of a mountain like Boulder).

But there sure raise heck when these coyotes and Mountain Lions(that they want protected)come in to town to get the deer that now take refuge in all the open space the town has provided. And when they run across a little yip yap lap dog snack well can you blame them you did move into there enviroment.