playstation II

kids decided they want an xbox360, so I told them they have to sell all this other shiz before they can get one.... can you sucka tell me what it's worth?

it's silver
three controlers
three wireless guitars (one of them is the rock band one)
two memory cards (16mb and 8mb)
rock band (includes drums, mic, and previously mentioned guitar)
guitar hero II
gutiar hero III
guitar hero rock the 80's
guitar hero world tour
time crisis 3
hummer badlands
atv offroad fury 4
civil war
mx vs atv unleashed
cabelas dangerous hunts
destroy all humans
gran tourismo 4
hot wheels beat that

It's all less than a year old......
what should I ask for it ? $$$$$$$
I'd say anout 300 to 350 but im not super sure
Your not going to want to hear this but I think you'll be lucky to get $150.00
Your not going to want to hear this but I think you'll be lucky to get $150.00
I was thinking the same thing....

It is now outdated technology
one hunting fool
your games are worth $5.00 a piece at best for the newer ones and $2.00 for the others. you can look at maybe $25 for the guitars and $35.00 maybe for the consol if in good condition.
i thought it was a ps3 my bad :/
Throw it all on Ebay as a package deal and see if you cant get $100-$150 out of it.

Or you can tell the kids that if they want the new gaming console then the PS2 gets sold and they get to come up with the rest of the $$. Chances are the PS2 will suddenly be just fine.
Chet I am almost sure that I know someone who will buy some of that stuff off of you. I sent you a pm. Hit me up if you still have it and I will get you in touch with my buddy.