Please help

Im in the process of moving from Georgia to southern Uthah(Hurricane). I am an avid bowhunter and although the mule deer season has just ended I would be very appreciative of any information you guys could offer. From applying to tags, to how to get after these muleys, ANYTHING will help and id be super thankful for any advice. Thanks in advance for any help and if anyone would like to head to GA before January to get after some whitetails just gimme a yell! ill be headed back and forth for several months :))
Everything is in flux right now for Mule deer in Utah. I'm still not sure on how everything is going to finish out. We are going from 5 large regions to about 30 smaller units. For now statewide archery has been taken off the table and archres will be required to pick a unit like all other hunters. Everything will be a draw so it is impossible to say what the odds for each new unit will be.

There are over the counter opportunities for elk that you can look into. I recommend you take a look at the 2011 proclamation to familiarize yourself with the process and then you can try to figure out 2012 with the rest of us.
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My Uncle lives in Utah and he is up in arms with all the changes. Check with a local official or gun store on the latest laws.
"dahlmer" wrote:Everything is in flux right now for Mule deer in Utah.
Understatement of the year right there.

You picked a good year to move to Utah because we're all starting from ground zero with the general deer hunt. In the past it's taken a year or two to draw a general tag for anywhere southern or southeastern, I don't expect that to change. The tough thing about this year is that we'll all be going into the application period in Feb. blind. The DWR will not set the number of tags until May so nobody will know any type of drawing odds until it's all said and done.
Limited entry deer doesn't change at all, expect to put in for several years if your looking for a premium unit. 15+ years even for archery. There are other limited entry units that can be had between 5 and 10 years. But either way it's serious investment of time.
General elk is a good way to help the years pass, they are sold OTC and archery tags have typically had an open quota.

I bet this is a much different process than GA! Good luck. ::wel
Muleys 24/7
Yea, this comeing 2012 season I'll be going on year #4 . I have been putting in for non-res southern general buck. It use to be about every other year for southern.....but it should be intresting with the state being split into so many units now. I'm just hopein the area/ to be unit, isn't going to take even longer, to be drawn ](*,)