Please vote for my picture!!
Muley Shed Freak
11/5/10 5:38pm
Hey everyone!!! I have a picture I took competing in the Jared Scott Outdoors pic of the week segment on Channel 6 and Channel 31 and online at
It is the pic of the Elk on the mountain side, pic #9!! I could really use everyone's votes on this!! If you have a minute, please log onto and go to the vote for pictures for the next upcoming show and vote for the Cow Elk and Calves pic!! I could really the Campchief stove they give away!! The pic looks better in on my computer than it does on the website! I was up around 10,500 ft when I took it. Three nice Cow elk and their three nice calves! Thanks everyone!!!
It is the pic of the Elk on the mountain side, pic #9!! I could really use everyone's votes on this!! If you have a minute, please log onto and go to the vote for pictures for the next upcoming show and vote for the Cow Elk and Calves pic!! I could really the Campchief stove they give away!! The pic looks better in on my computer than it does on the website! I was up around 10,500 ft when I took it. Three nice Cow elk and their three nice calves! Thanks everyone!!!

Muley Shed Freak
11/5/10 5:51pm
Thats unless you think one of the other pics is better, then vote for the one you like best! This is a great way for locals to show off their pictures and keep the outdoors alive and fun!