pluck a turkey
one hunting fool
4/6/09 2:12pm
who has ever plucked a Turkey? i am one that loves turkey skin but in all my life i have never plucked anything we usually skin our birds. but i will have to break the habit for my Turkey i get next month. but i need tips please
With that said, I just fillet the breast meat now. These wild birds are nothing like the butterballs you buy in the store. They run and the drumsticks are tough. Really tough. And the wings are about the same. We're not going to eat the wings and drumsticks so why cook them?
I've even tried to save enough of the drumsticks to make soup or something, but by the time I get past all of the sinew there's not a lot of meat there. I know some guys like to eat them, but for us the breast meat is all we eat anymore.
Personal preference I suppose...
As far as the drum sticks and wings go, I boil them and then add them to chilli made with 'Black Bear Darn Good chilli mix'. :thumb
In the past I have seen a plucking wheel that fits into a hand drill. Never saw one in action but would imagine that feathers would be flying every where.
All kidding aside, when we were kids thats what my dad made us use for the turkeys he raised. We had one so big once, after it was cleaned and plucked we had to put it in a 55 gallon garbage bag to put him in the freezer. Those things were freakin mean.
That any my mother in laws cooking...... Best way to cook a turkey is deep fried. Doesnt help with the plucking, but yeah.