
I have been reading a couple of the threads on poachers and thought I would chime in.

First off I would like to thank all of you that have had that "moment" when you had to decide to do the right thing and did.

We all want that big buck or bull and at sometime in our hunting lives have been faced with that "moment" when that carrot has been dangled in front of you and you had to decide.

You have hunted many years and done it right and then there he is a real monster. Problem is you don't have a tag or he is on property you can't hunt or it isn't even in season but there he is and it would be sooo....easy and nobody would ever know.

I know I have been faced with it many times and everytime I resist it makes me stronger and more resolved that I am doing it right.

A lot know those that have gave into the "moment" and have got away with it. I can't imagine having a big buck or bull on the wall and looking at it with any pride knowing you cheated. Cheated not only yourself but the fine animal and fellow hunters and the sport itself.

Some seem to do it without conscience or regard for anyone but themselves. The poacher steals from you and I because that animal should go to the guy that does it right, the guy that follows the rules, that respects the animal and adheres to fair chase.

I decided that the sport and animals we love to pursue deserve more and I would never look the otherway. If you poach and I know it, I am turning you in. I don't think we can settle for anything less.

Here is a picture of a 200+ class whitetail I hunted for a couple of years. I had this buck patterned well and had high hopes as I headed out opening morning. Here is what I found.......talk about making your blood boil.
http://www.hunt101.com/img/416596.JPG" alt="" />
WOW! What a shame...and a waist of a fine animal!!

So, did ya call the game department when ya found it?
That is really unfortunate. How do you proudly display the head of an animal that you have harvested illegally?
shed hunter
wow that is terrible once when i was elk hunting my dad cought someone poaching an elk.. its a really bad situation :>/
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I read on one of the forems that some of the folks that turned in poachers turned down the reward money.That's great, that action tells alot about the hunters on this website. I think that if I got a reward for turning in a scumbag poacher I would accept the money and donate it to one of the organizations that help protect our wild life, such as Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation or something similar. Like I said I'm not bashing the others that turned it down, just something to think about.
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That is a horrible thing that happened to that buck.
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thats tarrible what they done!! i hope they get cought and thoughn in Jail!!!!
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that is a real shame ! no big buck should ever have to face a poacher and end up like that .
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no animal peiod should be kill that way and just left ther
i hate poachers!!! they all will get caught cuz if you do it once and dont get caught they will do it again and again!
Poachers :>/ #-o ](*,) I hope they all get caught