
Me and my buddy were talking about. Do ya think with the rise in food prices and how it will to be tough to afford food with all the job cut offs and all that jazz do you think the rate of poaching will go up?
not at all..... think about the cost of fuel and ammo....... just go for the dollar menu at Mcdonalds instead.......

now, if you've got a doe in your backyard and can stick your 22 barrel in her ear, then yes someone may do it..... but generally poachers rarely kill for meat.
Chet, I would have to agree.
The cost would far outweigh any reward as far as food goes. Those that live out on the ranch, may be a different story. Chances are, they would never be reported anyway. IMHO
Im not just saying on a deer, more like a flock of geese and somone pops one with an .30-06 or maybe run over a turkey standin on the side of the road. but im just askin what people think.
If things ever get to the point that they were like in the great depression I could see some people having to do what they need to do to survive.
When people get hungry and see their kids hungry, they tend to do whatever they need to to put food on the table. Hopefully they do as Proverbs tells us....Hopefully their freezer is full and their pantry is also full. If things get really tough, IMO we are going to see a mass exodus from the cities and folks will be heading back to the farms and ranches. Here's a quick study on what I mentioned. Proverbs 20:4 “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” “Sluggard” appears only in Proverbs (6 times). The Hebrew so rendered is rendered “slothful” (8 times) and it also is found only in Proverbs. It refers to a lazy man. The other six appearances of the word rendered “cold” are rendered “winter”. There are always excuses enough where there is no inclination to do honest work, and small difficulties are easily magnified into reasons to indulge the fleshly desire for ease. And, just as many are careless about the needs of the body, so even more and careless about the needs of the soul.
growing up in rural Virginia,several times a year the old man would tell us to go get a doe,and we would be back in an hour or two doing some skinning.don't think i could begrudge someone living off the land as long as nothing wwas being sold.better than someone being on welfare i guess,and I'm sure theres folks out there that are still too proud to take handouts......at least i hope there is.
I was just talking to a guy at church today about filling a freezer. In Wyoming there's many units that you can kill 4 antlerless antelope and 4 antlerless deer. A non-resident youth tag only costs 19 dollars and a NR adult tags costs 39 dollars. I know that back east and down south they give out lots of doe tags, so putting 5-6 deer legally in a freezer shouldn't be to hard.
Jeff well put my friend.
i guarantee theres two different mindsets from down south to Wyoming :))

didn't we have this same conversation in deer camp?
I agree, there sure is. Back when you were a kid, how many deer tags were you allowed in Virginia? I know back 50 years ago, they hardly even had a hunting season in a lot of the south. In Alabama you can kill 1 or 2 per day for 60 or 90 days, now that's some serious meat. The deer population back east and down south is huge compared to out west. I know in many places, game wardens hardly ticket poor folk for killing some does for meat, that is kind of a unwritten rule in the south, in many areas, especially the backwoods of West Virginia, Tennessee & North Carolina but if someone is poaching for horns they'll fry their hide.
Sluggard is an ancient Aztec word........ it means "democrat"
last i heard,you get 3 deer tags[1 buck/2 does] with a license,also 2 turkeys and one bear...all on the same license....i swear,.
now,its probably pretty close,except you can go back and buy additional doe tags.let me go look and see.

yup,one can get two additional antlerless licenses for 18.00[resident]
"chet" wrote:Sluggard is an ancient Aztec word........ it means "democrat"
chet, you may be on to something.