1/24/09 9:16am
Me and my buddy were talking about. Do ya think with the rise in food prices and how it will to be tough to afford food with all the job cut offs and all that jazz do you think the rate of poaching will go up?
now, if you've got a doe in your backyard and can stick your 22 barrel in her ear, then yes someone may do it..... but generally poachers rarely kill for meat.
The cost would far outweigh any reward as far as food goes. Those that live out on the ranch, may be a different story. Chances are, they would never be reported anyway. IMHO
didn't we have this same conversation in deer camp?
now,its probably pretty close,except you can go back and buy additional doe tags.let me go look and see.
yup,one can get two additional antlerless licenses for 18.00[resident]