Poaching doesn't just happen in Utah
4/2/08 12:40pm
Two men were charged Tuesday in Moffat County with illegally killing 34 elk on two ranches.
The Colorado Division of Wildlife said in a news release today that Rodney Heath Culverwell was charged with 18 counts of willful destruction of wildlife and 18 counts of illegal possession of wildlife.
Kenneth Wolgram was charged with 16 counts of each.
The DOW said the investigation into the death of the elk has been a six-week process.
Willful destruction is a felony, and if convicted, the men face one to two years in prison and a fine of $1,000 - $100,000 per count. They could also be assessed 20 points per count against their hunting licenses.
I think they should do even worse to these idiots.

4/2/08 7:44pm
That is not right. A few months ago in the White Tank Mountains about 25 miles or so west of Phoenix there was a 17 point mule deer that was shot it was a collared buck and the arrow was traced back to the guy and they caught him.

4/3/08 3:04pm
glad they caught those fools . hope they bury them under the jail . now days a dow offical told they are matching up dna from deer and elk to help solve poaching in some cases .

4/3/08 4:42pm
What a mess, glad they caught them.

4/4/08 9:19am
Idiots! maybe they can hit them with Samson's law too.