Poaching losers at it again.

Public input sought in Book Cliffs deer poaching
December 9th, 2010 @ 4:51pm
By ksl.com
CARBON COUNTY, Utah -- The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is seeking the public's help to catch the culprits in the poaching of seven deer in the Books Cliffs of eastern Utah.

Bryan Clyde, a conservation officer with the division, said a pile of deer internal organs was found recently about 65 yards up the hill from the bottom of Bitter Creek Canyon.

"At the scene were two sets of footprints and drag marks where they pulled the deer downhill," he said.

Investigators believe the animal was killed during a cow elk hunt on or before Nov. 23. "This was a deer taken illegally, as the deer season is closed in this area," Clyde said.

In addition, six other deer have been shot and left to rot in the Book Cliffs. They include a buck deer shot in the Rainbow area (the poacher cut the animal's antlers off and then left the animal to rot); a buck poached on the Kings Well Road near the Greek Corrals; a buck killed in Three Mile Canyon; a buck poached in Park Canyon; and a doe and fawn killed near Watson.

Anyone with information is asked to call Bryan Clyde at 435-790-4630 or Division Officer Clint Sampson at 435-790-2206.
I find poaching to be very irritating, it's makes me mad & sick simultaneously. These guys go out and steal opportunities for those of us that go about it the right way (legally). I was fortunate enough to accompany a friend out on the Books for his rifle deer hunt & rode thru many of the areas listed in the report, so it hit a personal chord with me. I hope the DWR officers get the help they need to catch the degenerates that stoop to that level and give big game hunting a black eye.
I hate stories like this. I believe the Book Cliffs has a big problem with poaching and as big as that unit is I have no idea how you could ever patrol it. I'll never understand the mindset of a poacher. It is one thing to try and feed your family, but this is ridiculous.
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"dahlmer" wrote:I hate stories like this. I believe the Book Cliffs has a big problem with poaching and as big as that unit is I have no idea how you could ever patrol it. I'll never understand the mindset of a poacher. It is one thing to try and feed your family, but this is ridiculous.
I agree 100%. I fear this is only going to get worse. :>/
Read this the other day.......ticks me off. Ruins it for all of us. Now the really crappy part is that there has been a dandy buck that has been running around the outskirts of town and one of my buddies said he saw a bunch of people chasing it and since that happened about 2 days ago that buck has been nowhere to be seen.....hoping that he didn't get poached.....cause he looked just like the buck out of the proclamation and nice chocolate rack on him. I'll keep an eye out and hope to see him sometime this week. Sucks when it happens close to home. :>/
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That sucks!!
"stillhunterman" wrote:
dahlmer wrote:I hate stories like this. I believe the Book Cliffs has a big problem with poaching and as big as that unit is I have no idea how you could ever patrol it. I'll never understand the mindset of a poacher. It is one thing to try and feed your family, but this is ridiculous.
I agree 100%. I fear this is only going to get worse. :>/
A friend of mine saw some questionable behavior out there while on a job & helped with some information that resulted in the conviction of a poacher two years ago on the Books. The DWR gave him a tag for out there as a reward. It's bad out there & if you have any knowledge of what's going on there's a pretty sweet reward.
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What upsets me the most other than the obvious, is the taking of the antlers and just leaving the animal there to rot. So sick to my stomach to here this.
The stories are endless.... sad truth is it's an increasing problem.




