Police are not our Friends anymore?
m gardner
4/18/09 9:17am
We were driving home from the shooting range yesterday and a block away from where I live I noticed a black man with a torn shirt getting the snot beat out of him by a 6 foot tall black girl. Of course I had to stop. It's my neighborhood. I asked the young man if I should call 911. He explained his girlfriend was having a physcotic episode becuase she didn't have any meds for schizofrenia. He didn't want the police involved because he didn't want her hurt. I guess they just walk up and taze mentally ill folks. So I offered to help him catch her and calm her down. I dialed 911 and she immediately attacked me. Game on!! :)) We were pretty busy for awhile and a young man stopped and helped us put the finishing touches on getting her down without hurting her. We finally got her calmed down. I guess this had been going on for several hours and I was the first to stop. I'll never understand the mentality here. :>/ It took 1/2 hour for an officer to arrive and he had an attitude but called the EMTs and we turned her over to them. The boy went with her. I guess I'm still pretty quick because all I have to show is a sore knee from kneeling for a half hour on the sidewalk and a stiff neck. She was doing pretty good by the time the cop arrived. They seem like young decent folks. Not druggies. Polite boy who wouldn't hit that girl no matter what, which shows some upbringing. Keep them in your prayers please.
I'm also a volunteer fireman and we do all sorts of stuff for people. We don't charge for the ambulance so we haul people to town regularly for major items like nose bleeds, scraped elbows and drunken stupors, etc. I think if we even charged $20 we would not get half as many people wanting an ambualnce ride, but that's another story.
well said my brother
however I couldn't agree more...
Good job Mark!
oh and I would glady give my life for my fellow man. sounds like someone that would rather sit around and complain than try to make life better for others. :>/ by the way the anger you feel is really shame