Police are not our Friends anymore?

We were driving home from the shooting range yesterday and a block away from where I live I noticed a black man with a torn shirt getting the snot beat out of him by a 6 foot tall black girl. Of course I had to stop. It's my neighborhood. I asked the young man if I should call 911. He explained his girlfriend was having a physcotic episode becuase she didn't have any meds for schizofrenia. He didn't want the police involved because he didn't want her hurt. I guess they just walk up and taze mentally ill folks. So I offered to help him catch her and calm her down. I dialed 911 and she immediately attacked me. Game on!! :)) We were pretty busy for awhile and a young man stopped and helped us put the finishing touches on getting her down without hurting her. We finally got her calmed down. I guess this had been going on for several hours and I was the first to stop. I'll never understand the mentality here. :>/ It took 1/2 hour for an officer to arrive and he had an attitude but called the EMTs and we turned her over to them. The boy went with her. I guess I'm still pretty quick because all I have to show is a sore knee from kneeling for a half hour on the sidewalk and a stiff neck. She was doing pretty good by the time the cop arrived. They seem like young decent folks. Not druggies. Polite boy who wouldn't hit that girl no matter what, which shows some upbringing. Keep them in your prayers please.
She was probably on PCP,HIV posative and on probation,just another posability you should consider before jumping in the middle of something,THAT is why people dont stop. :-k
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If he had been dressed like a player and she was dressed like a hoe I wouldn't have stopped. Just called 911. Usually the bad ones only come out at night.
Cocaine dealers dress fairly well these days,just saying there are plenty of common reasons why people (ME) wouldnt stop and get involved n something like this,who knows what it could turn into,shootings,being splattered with HIV pos blood,being shot by an onlooker who has no idea whats going on,being sued after someone gets injured,ect,ect. :-k
"m gardner" wrote:If he had been dressed like a player and she was dressed like a hoe I wouldn't have stopped. Just called 911. Usually the bad ones only come out at night.
I agree there. My neighbor has the same problem with his wife. One of our other neighbors called the cops on her and they just showed up and tazered her, and then hauled her to jail. No bueno :>/
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Fear has never been a major factor in my life and I've got all the scars to prove it. My mom had a terrible time with us because of this. I really like most people too. This girl's biggest problem was she couldn't help what she was doing and she knew what the police would do which made her even crazier. Funny how a right wing extremist (I'm a vet and that's the government's feelings about me ](*,) ) would stop and put himself in serious jeopardy to help someone that the liberal system has no empathy at all for. A white, right wing extremist (with a concealed weapon to boot!) stops to help two black folks he doesn't even know! I think our leaders are missing something here. :-k
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Thanks, Mark. The world needs more folks like you. I live in rural Wyoming and we do not have much ethnic diversity, but we have plenty of crazies. But I always try to stop and help if I can. And yep, I'm usually armed, but it really does not matter. I'm kinda with you on the scared deal, too. I just do what I think is right and worry about being scared later.

I'm also a volunteer fireman and we do all sorts of stuff for people. We don't charge for the ambulance so we haul people to town regularly for major items like nose bleeds, scraped elbows and drunken stupors, etc. I think if we even charged $20 we would not get half as many people wanting an ambualnce ride, but that's another story.
I agree ICMDEER, We do need more folks like Mark. Thanks for sticking your neck out for this young couple. Sounds like they have a real challenge dealing with this problem and all. They need to keep the meds on them at all times and hopefully nip it on the bud.
Its obvious you guys havnt lived in a BIG city for long....
Might be the case, I don't think that matters though - I say good on you Mark for being willing to at least stop and ask about the situation
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I've been around lots of dangerous places and dangerous people. Being aware of your surroundings and situation is paramount. I've gotten old enough to look grandfatherly which is a plus becuase it's a real surprise when they discover what's still inside. Like Stigand said "A warrior must be capable of the bloodiest deed and the gentlest kindness." Whatever the situation needs.
I did and I lived there long enough to see do-gooders get themselves in some very bad situations getting involved in someone elses problems,its your choice though ,if you want to risk your life,family,freedom and health to get involved in situations where you may or may not be able to help more power to you.I will personally mind my own buisness and let the peole who are paid to deal with crap like that take care of it.FYI I know a couple who was robbed at gun point in LV after stopping to intervene in a situation VERY similar to yours,both of them were in on it and they use this ruse to get people to stop their vehicles.
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For those of us who are in Christ Jesus life here is overated and we don't fear death. When Christ's love is in you, you can't help but show it to others. When He thinks I'm through here I'll be gone. We'll all leave eventually. Some will fear that time.
For those of us who are in Christ Jesus life here is overated and we don't fear death. When Christ's love is in you, you can't help but show it to others. When He thinks I'm through here I'll be gone. We'll all leave eventually. Some will fear that time.
=D> 10sign:

well said my brother
Mark, Well said. 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
"m gardner" wrote:For those of us who are in Christ Jesus life here is overated and we don't fear death. When Christ's love is in you, you can't help but show it to others. When He thinks I'm through here I'll be gone. We'll all leave eventually. Some will fear that time.
You may be ready to die,Im not,Im a christian and that has nothing to do with what you just said.You cant go through life jumping off cliffs thinking "if Jesus wants me to die Im ready"Show me where in the bible it says ANYTHING like that.He helps those who help themselves,not those that put themselves in stupid situations and expect to be bailed out of them every time by their faith.With an attitude like that you must not have much to live for,I plan on living a long life and NOT dying by putting myself into a situation that is completly unavoidable and none of my buisness.Stopping someone from commiting a murder is one thing,holding some woman down who is in the middle of smacking the crap out of her pimp is another thing. lol
Mark, Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is what you were trying to say.....

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Yep, that's what I have to live for Hiker. :thumb I have lots to live for here like the hunts I'll go on this fall, my grandkids, my good paying job, semi-retirement, etc., etc. but I can't hold this so tightly I miss the truth. If I don't glorify Him with what I have what good is it?
Good on you Mark, the world needs MORE people like you in it, and fewer people who do nothing to help those in need.
Obviously it's important to be careful and use common sense in any situation...

however I couldn't agree more...
Good on you Mark, the world needs MORE people like you in it, and fewer people who do nothing to help those in need.
Good job Mark!
one hunting fool
it shouldn't matter to anyone weather they are on drugs or not. someone in need is someone in need. i say good on you Mark!!! Nonya read the bible more.
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye ... you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
mathew 25:40
No thanx,you guys have fun,when you get shot or stabbed while jumping into stupid situations like this dont come crying to me.I for one dont see how you are glorifying god by jumping into what looked like a marital dispute where the WOMAN was winning,you had no idea what was going on and i seriously doubt you know now,OK you wrestled a woman to the ground and held her there until the people payed to deal with situations like this arrived,then you came here to brag about it,good for you.There is a saying in the bible,it has something to do with the fact that there is no glory without keeping your mouth shut about what you do in his name,bragging about it on the world wide web probably doesnt fit into it,if you dont know that one maybe YOU should read the bible.Ill refrain from any more posts on this subject since you are convinced you are doing these things for the glory of God,kinda like the muslims who blow themselves up,ready to die because their "faith" tells them it is OK. :thumb
"NONYA" wrote:Ill refrain from any more posts on this subject since you are convinced you are doing these things for the glory of God,kinda like the muslims who blow themselves up,ready to die because their "faith" tells them it is OK. :thumb
That may be the dumbest post I have ever read. Equating what Mark did to Muslims to blowing up women/kids is beyond absurd.
one hunting fool
There is a saying in the bible,it has something to do with the fact that there is no glory without keeping your mouth shut about what you do in his name,
i like to make things up also.. lets see :-k a man who has nothing good to say should not go telling people what they are doing is for the glory of god because that person is as far grom goa as can be. (???)

oh and I would glady give my life for my fellow man.
No thanx,you guys have fun,when you get shot or stabbed while jumping into stupid situations
sounds like someone that would rather sit around and complain than try to make life better for others. :>/ by the way the anger you feel is really shame