Poor Fool needs some advice and help for mule deer
8/14/11 8:35pm
I will be coming to Wyoming to hunt mule deer in mid-October. We will be hunting the Big Horn Mtns around area 25. I know this is not the best area of Wyoming for monster mulies, but I'm after the adventure as I am the kill. I have never been on a trip like this. My brother, 2 of his friends, and myself will be making this trip from Kentucky. Any advice you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated. I plan on hunting with a 25-06 with 120gr Federal Fusion. We will be camping out. Please tell me what things would be neccasary and what can be left at home. Again, Thanks for any help you can give
good luck. If you could get pictures of the area , even copied off goggle earth. I could give you my best advice that way. I'm sure others could too.