Pope & Young Convention
4/9/13 6:26am
The Pope & Young Convention kicks off this Wednesday through Sunday in Dallas, Texas. Any other Muley Madness members attending? I'll be flying out there with the family on Thursday morning. Have a lot of different meetings going on this week, but if you are heading out there, let's hook up at the bowsite meet and greet. It will be a great time, as usual, with several new world records being named at this year's event. Photos to come......
I'll post a few photos of the Dallas Convention in a bit.
Perfect. Have the dates been announced? I'm still kicking myself in the butt for not going when it was in Denver.
a 200" typical:
The new P&Y world record Roosevelt's Elk (from CA):
The new P&Y world record Tule Elk (from CA):
A giant desert bighorn sheep that just missed the WR by 2/8" (from CA):
My wife, daughter and I sitting for a bit:
A few friends from CA and WY that meet each convention:
A truly unique non-typical whitetail that took us almost 6 hours to panel measure: