Pope & Young Convention

The Pope & Young Convention kicks off this Wednesday through Sunday in Dallas, Texas. Any other Muley Madness members attending? I'll be flying out there with the family on Thursday morning. Have a lot of different meetings going on this week, but if you are heading out there, let's hook up at the bowsite meet and greet. It will be a great time, as usual, with several new world records being named at this year's event. Photos to come......
Wish I could. Look forward to the pictures and have a safe trip!
Wish I could make it. I’d like to meet Mike Kistler he has enlightened me during my process of entering my buck.
Had a great time in Dallas! We raised quite a bit of money for the Club's conservation, trust, and museum funds. Some incredible animals were on display, including four new world records. However, the best news (in my opinion) was the announcement of the next Convention site (2015). It will be in Phoenix, Arizona! Not a bad drive at all for many of you Beehive State boys and girls. Make plans now, as I'd love to have you attend.

I'll post a few photos of the Dallas Convention in a bit.
Sounds good Roy, look forward to some pics.
"BOHNTR" wrote:Had a great time in Dallas! We raised quite a bit of money for the Club's conservation, trust, and museum funds. Some incredible animals were on display, including four new world records. However, the best news (in my opinion) was the announcement of the next Convention site (2015). It will be in Phoenix, Arizona! Not a bad drive at all for many of you Beehive State boys and girls. Make plans now, as I'd love to have you attend.

I'll post a few photos of the Dallas Convention in a bit.

Perfect. Have the dates been announced? I'm still kicking myself in the butt for not going when it was in Denver.
No actual dates announced yet, but it's usually the 2nd week of April.
Here's a few photos at the event:

a 200" typical:

http://imageshack.us/a/img546/5351/img0076aq.jpg" alt="" />

The new P&Y world record Roosevelt's Elk (from CA):

http://imageshack.us/a/img46/5686/img0074pe.jpg" alt="" />

The new P&Y world record Tule Elk (from CA):

http://imageshack.us/a/img547/2557/img0073j.jpg" alt="" />

A giant desert bighorn sheep that just missed the WR by 2/8" (from CA):

http://imageshack.us/a/img706/2264/img0075dg.jpg" alt="" />

My wife, daughter and I sitting for a bit:

http://imageshack.us/a/img826/2953/img0068ym.jpg" alt="" />

A few friends from CA and WY that meet each convention:

http://imageshack.us/a/img89/528/img0082lm.jpg" alt="" />

A truly unique non-typical whitetail that took us almost 6 hours to panel measure:

http://imageshack.us/a/img812/4834/img0077zg.jpg" alt="" />