Pops scored on the Boulders Premium Limited Entry!
9/27/08 12:31pm
After years, and years, and years of putting in when I was home and able to go on every hunt annually pretty much anywhere in the western states my dad draws his premium limited entry tag the year I finally committ to go to boot camp ](*,) Had I known he was going to draw this tag this year I would have DEFINATELY delayed my entry for 1 more hunting season. Anyways, I don't have a lot of time and don't know all the details on the hunt yet but we get saturday and half of sunday off at the school of infantry here on camp pendleton and I checked my e-mails and sure enough dad filled the tag! Our family we're huge hunters, I pretty much live for it! Always the first thing on my mind! But elk hunting for whatever reason we've never really gone. I tried last year with my bow cause I want to get into it but no luck (in '04 I did take my first and only bull on a Utah youth tag and that's a hunt i'll never forget!) But i'm rambling, so dad hasn't hunted elk for... quite some time!He used to be into it a little but we've all always been more mule deer fanatics and spend every season in every state we can chasing them. So what i'm getting at is he was pumped to have a Premium Limited Entry tag in his pocket this year! A problem though, he just opened up a new office for his work and has been EXTREMELY busy the past year and he didn't know if he would have time at all to do the hunt, even with being able to hunt all 3 seasons. This and the fact that I was pretty mad I was missing out on the hunt of a lifetim made him consider turning the tag back in. But he didn't and it payed off!
I'm really running out of time, haha. So we don't know the score yet and I can't post pictures right now but a big congrats to pops on his bull of a lifetime! I'll post pics later tonight hopefully! Sorry
I'm really running out of time, haha. So we don't know the score yet and I can't post pictures right now but a big congrats to pops on his bull of a lifetime! I'll post pics later tonight hopefully! Sorry
Congrats to your dad, too bad you couldn't be there with him.
So yeah, dad didn't know if he would be able to find more than 1 weekend to go out and hunt even with all three seasons. he made the time finally somewhere in the archery season, didn't see a whole lot but felt really good about where he was at and he had some good reports on the area. Sometime I think he said it was the last weekend of the archery season and the beginning of the rifle season, something like that, I don't know, he took off on a Thursday and planned on going the whole weekend, well the weekend ended and he wasn't ready to quite so luckily he has his priorities in order and has the advantage of owning his own business. He called in sunday night, cancelled all his appointments the next week, and stayed on the mountain! That's all the news I have on the hunt so far, sorry nothing really about the actual hunt yet, but I do have the pics finally! Enjoy
Oh gees, file size too big. Sorry, give me a minute to figure this out. If anyones online and can help me out (I can forward the e-mail my dad sent me) then let me know, that would probably be faster than me doing it, haha. I'll give it a shot though
that is correct =D>
with the Premium tag you can hunt:
Archery season with a bow
Muzz season with a legal muzz
and both early and late any weapon seasons with..... you guessed it..... any weapon.
hope that helps....sometimes I make things worse... ](*,) lol