Portable shooting bench
Don Fischer
5/22/17 8:28am
Took this photo of the rifle but enough bench to give an idea about it. Somewhere I have photo's of the bench set up and closed up. The top is made from a sheet of 1 1/8 car decking (plywood). Under the top are three hardwood pads, glued and screwed to the underside of the table to hold the legs. the leg's are 1 1/4" steel pipe and they screw into a pipe flange screwed to the pads. The pad's all point away from the center of the table and the leg's come down at an angle pointing away from the center of the table, very stable. On the bottom of the leg's I screwed 1 1/4" pipe caps. Very stable when set up. Made it ten plus years ago and still haven't made a decent stool for it. Right now I use a small folding camp stool that replaced a 5 gal bucket!

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Shooting/DSCN0401_zpshuaxk1ej.jpg " alt="" />
If anyone want's to make one, I'll see if I can dig out the photo's of it set up and torn down.

If anyone want's to make one, I'll see if I can dig out the photo's of it set up and torn down.

Don Fischer
5/22/17 12:26pm
Well found the other photo's by accident!

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Shooting%20bench/DSCN0080%20-%20Copy_zpsnshjipuk.jpg " alt="" />

http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r706/fischerantlp/Shooting%20bench/DSCN0083%20-%20Copy_zpsxvfmql7b.jpg " alt="" />


5/30/17 6:34pm
Looks good! I might have to copy if mine doesn't work out.