Possible new #1 bison

But not mine!
this is one of the free ranging Bison from near Jackson Hole. A friend at work shot it last week. They guessed the live wieght near 2.500 lbs. There is 1,500 lbs of meat and bone hanging at the locker. the head and cape wieghed 280 lbs.
Note that the head seems small but that is due to the mass of the horns.
If they are correct on thier scoring it will be 4" larger then the old record.
Hopefully my tag will show some time in the next week.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/bison1.jpg" alt="" />
WOW! That is a big bull! CONGRATS to your buddy on the harvest of a FINE animal...and good luck on your upcoming hunt!
holy BIG!

do you have any pics of you or someone sitting next to it to give us a comparison of size.

congrats on a great looking animal. can't wait to see the taxidermy work.
Wow! Great Bull! =D> That's a lot of burger. Please let us know what he ends up scoring.
Larry, I'm looking forward to hearing about your hunt and seeing the photos. :thumb
Good grief, that sounds HUGE!! 280 pound head and cape, man that is one IMPRESSIVE animal.

Congrats to your buddy!! AMAZING! :thumb
Congrats to your buddy on one heck of a fine bull! =D>

(See, Brett, I said "heck". Not bad for an old Sailor!)

Just out of curiosity, what did you buddy shoot him with?
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I talked with Ed today, he shot it with a 300 weatherby. it will be in the Jackson paper Wed..
HOLY CRAP!!! that is one huge animal! Congrats to your friend ED! :thumb
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Looks like the news got wind of it.
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Wow thats cool. Didn't some one on this forum post that they had a tag for somewhere up there.??
Any news from them?
Larry has one....... :thumb
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Ed's going to email a pic with him and the head, I'll post it as soon as he sends it to me, he's on graves so it will be a day or so.
Great story Larry. Thanks for posting the link!

Man, talk about the hunt of a lifetime. He's gotta be on cloud nine!

By Associated Press
September 26, 2007
JACKSON, Wyo. — A bison known as "Old Lonesome" stands to break an 82-year-old record after a hunter killed it in western Wyoming's Bridger-Teton National Forest.
The bison's horns measured 32 inches from tip to tip and 18 and 19 inches individually, giving the animal a hunting score of 140-2/8. The previous record, a bison killed in Yellowstone National Park in 1925, scored 136-4/8.

For the record to become official, the bison's head will need to dry for 60 days.

E.D. Riekens Jr., of Cheyenne, shot the bison near Spread Creek on Sept. 18.

"When I saw this guy, it was like I was looking at a dinosaur or a mammoth," Riekens said. "This guy was just so different and massive and huge. There was no question about whether I would hold off. It just had to be done."

Johnie Filbeck, who makes a business of helping people move the big game they've hunted, said he was familiar with Old Lonesome. He started calling the bison that name years ago, when he noticed that the bull almost always grazed apart from other buffalo.

"Old Lonesome ain't lonesome no more," Filbeck said.

Riekens said he killed Old Lonesome with one bullet.

"I was getting closer and closer waiting for an opportunity," he said. "Finally, he gave me the perfect chance, and I didn't hesitate for a second. He was dead before I let go of the trigger, which is a good thing."

Riekens said he's got extra freezers ready to store the meat.

"I've got a long list of friends and family I'm going to share it with," he said. "We're going to have a big old barbecue."

The Jackson Bison Herd has grown to around 1,200 animals, damaging plants in Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge and reducing natural forage for elk and moose.

Hunting began this year on the refuge, where managers ultimately hope to reduce the bison herd to 500.
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some better pic's
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/Bison/bs5.jpg" alt="" />
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/Bison/bs2.jpg" alt="" />
OH MY OH MY!! UNREAL how big that is.

Great pics, thanks for those. Any idea on the AGE?? How does one age a buffalo?
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WOW!! What a huge monster of a beast. I would love to see it in real life
it would be awesome to see his true size.
WOW. Now that is a load.
lifetime hunter
HOLY SMACK!!! that is huge! Good thing they had a Chevy to haul it out.. or they might still be there! :thumb LOL

Tell your friend Ed Congrats on a great hunt! and good luck to you on your future hunt!
10-4 on the Chev. Gee thats a load. Congrats.
How much meat did you come out with?
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Hey all, this is Ed. I just wanted to thank you all for your support and kind words. And thanks very much to Larry for getting the story out.(you could have used a better picture of me)

In about 48 days we'll know for sure. We'll keep you all informed. As I get organized, I'll get some more pics out.

Oh yeah, and only a 500 hp Duramax GMC could look that good with about 1700 lbs of Buffalo in it.
Ed, Great to have you on MuleyMadness! :thumb Stick around, some great people on here. Congrats on getting that monster bull bison. =D>
WOW. That is a beast of a Buff. Thanks for the photos. I hope you have a pic of you next to him before you cut it up. The photo of you and the head is amazing. It is unreal how big it is.
Ed, welcome to MuleyMadness! I think you and Stickflicker are the only two that have "introduced" themselves with #1 record animals (Or POTENTIAL #1s). No better way to make an introduction that I can think of!

CONGRATS again and I can't wait to see some more pics. Keep us posted when that beast is officially measured.

ED, Welcome and thanks for filling us in! What a impressive animal! :thumb
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The bull will be #7 B&C, The one I got missed the mark at 113 4/8 it grossed 115 the min.
If you want to put in for a pryority # non-res is $20, The lic is $2,500 now But you don't have to buy it until you go to Jackson to hunt.