Possible reg change for hunter orange.

I saw this article the other day and found it interesting. I have never even a peep about this bill. Hope that it goes through.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Lawmakers are considering allowing hunters to wear camouflage instead of "hunter orange" if they have certain permits.

Under House Bill 92, centerfire rifle hunters who have a once-in-a-lifetime permit or limited and premium entry permits would not be required to wear hunter orange. Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, says allowing hunters a choice of what to wear could give them a better chance of making a kill.

Sandstrom says wearing only camouflage isn't a safety concern because the permits in his bill allow only a few hunters in large areas at one time.

Hunters in general season deer and elk hunts would still be required to wear hunter orange.

The bill passed on the House floor unanimously Monday and will be debated in the Senate.

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
****banana 10sign: xcrossx
"a_bow_nut" wrote:
Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, says allowing hunters a choice of what to wear could give them a better chance of making a kill.
better chance at making a kill?? correct me if im wrong but isn't the success rate on LE elk hunts about 90%?

Im fine if it passes i just found it kinda interesting that is how he worded it, but im sure i couldnt have done any better

So the guys with the good permits in great areas dont have to waer it and the guys in crap areas where the hunting is much harder dont???Yhe makes perfect sense to me! ](*,)
I think it's more about safety than good and bad areas. I think of it more like a law being changed to let you not be required to wear a seatbelt in a residental area with a speed limit of 20 miles per hour or less. I support the idea and I would take orange with me if I was to be packing anything out. (@)
"ridgetop" wrote:I think it's more about safety than good and bad areas. I think of it more like a law being changed to let you not be required to wear a seatbelt in a residental area with a speed limit of 20 miles per hour or less. I support the idea and I would take orange with me if I was to be packing anything out. (@)
i figured the same way. it really makes sence. if there is only 20 guys in a whole unit for a L.E hunt your a little bit more safe. but if its a general hunt with 10,000 people in the same area you should probably were it.

it really does make perfect sence to anyone not trying to stir a pot ](*,) lol
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I don't see a problem with it.
I too hope it passes, but i wish it would roll over into the general season at least a little bit. I'd be the last person to go out on the mountain in all camo during rifle season, but in some states they only require you to have one article of orange clothing.
Requiring orange during ANY rifle hunt is nonsensical at best, intrusive at worst. Why does the hunter have to wear orange, but those with the hunter do not? If it is for 'safety' make EVERYONE wear it. I think recommending it is a good idea, but mandating it is silly.
"proutdoors" wrote:Requiring orange during ANY rifle hunt is nonsensical at best, intrusive at worst. Why does the hunter have to wear orange, but those with the hunter do not? If it is for 'safety' make EVERYONE wear it. I think recommending it is a good idea, but mandating it is silly.

What about those who are in the outdoors but not with the hunter. How many times do you see someone out for a wheeler ride or hike that is not hunting. If orange is about safety then it should be required for everyone in the outdoors during a rifle hunt.

It's pretty dumb to wear orange if your hunting a OIL with only one tag for the area, but there happens to be a rifle hunt in progress somewhere else. I hope the chnage passes.