Post 'em up boys! CC hits rolling in!

Bunch of my buds have had hits this morning! From Mt. Goats to LE elk to general bucks! Nuttin' for me yet! ](*,)

Good luck to all! =D>
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finally glad someone is finally startin to see hits
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Nothing here yet... I hope their not done. How long can it take? Anyone know?
My card got dinged! Got my dedicated hunter. It made my weekend. The tough part is waiting now

My two buddies also had their cc's hit for general season archery tags.
"sewing" wrote:Nothing here yet... I hope their not done. How long can it take? Anyone know?

It can take a few days sewing. Once cards started getting hit last year, mine didn't get smacked till 3 days later, so give it some time. If you used a debit card, it won't show up till the charge clears. [-o< Good luck!
$140... looks like my little group of 4 got our general muzzleloader tags.
Wow reading this I just realized I had to cancel my credit card I used for the draw because of some fraud charges (someone likes QVC). One of the division offices switched my CC number over the phone. They told me if I got a tag I missed the first charge but will get charged Saturday or Sunday apparently they have one CC charge run a day for several days and then will call you several times if there is a problem before ever giving up your tag. Nice to know
mapleton archer
$35.00 general archery for me so far. was hoping for elk!
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I got lucky and drew the Pahvant Archery LE Elk tag!
Muleys 24/7
Got hit for a southern UT unit (general rifle buck) looking forward to a great fall
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Nothing for me.....yet. Still waiting.
When and how do we did out what unit we drew? Does Utah DWR post the results to the site or do we have to wait until it arrives in the mail?

I've never had to worry about it in the past because I always got the statewide archery tag.
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you'll get an email telling you what you drew for sure around the 30th would be my guess
Yep will have to wait for the email.

With the way the water year is looking I'm glad that I haven't drawn for my elk hunt. It might be a tough year for antler growth if the feed dries up soon.
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me and my wife got general deer tags nothing else yet still hoping for elk
I've got a dedicated hunter tag, friend drew a LE deer tag. Still waiting/hoping my brother drew a LE tag also. Should be a fun summer/fall.
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Drew my first muzzleloader tag! I'm stoked to try that out this season.
Still no hits for me or my wife......hoping we at least draw archery tags! Starting to wonder if we will or not. My younger brother got a tag.....not sure if for rifle or muzzleloader deer.
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I got a hit for $1513 a couple days ago which means I drew Desert sheep, Rocky sheep, mtn. goat, or moose. Having to wait a week to find out which one is KILLING ME!!!!!!
"marley" wrote:I got a hit for $1513 a couple days ago which means I drew Desert sheep, Rocky sheep, mtn. goat, or moose. Having to wait a week to find out which one is KILLING ME!!!!!!
There are worse thing to have to wait for but I know what you mean. LOL

That's why I just wait for the email. I allready have enough agravation in my life without worring about tags.
Finally got charged! I was starting to think we didn't draw! An archery tag for me and not sure what my wife drew. Couple more days and then we can start scouting out the areas. I am way excited for this year. Last year I couldn't scout at all due to the new job so we ate tag soup twice last year. Not this year though!
No charges for me. I've given up hope of drawing anything this year. I'll have to see what my options are once the results are posted.
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I got my Archery deer tag, my sister in law drew a LE Deer. Pretty excited for her. =D>