Post 'em up boys! CC hits rolling in!
5/18/12 10:40am
Bunch of my buds have had hits this morning! From Mt. Goats to LE elk to general bucks! Nuttin' for me yet! ](*,)
Good luck to all! =D>
Good luck to all! =D>
My two buddies also had their cc's hit for general season archery tags.
It can take a few days sewing. Once cards started getting hit last year, mine didn't get smacked till 3 days later, so give it some time. If you used a debit card, it won't show up till the charge clears. [-o< Good luck!
I've never had to worry about it in the past because I always got the statewide archery tag.
With the way the water year is looking I'm glad that I haven't drawn for my elk hunt. It might be a tough year for antler growth if the feed dries up soon.
That's why I just wait for the email. I allready have enough agravation in my life without worring about tags.