post needs to be deleted
5/6/09 10:50am
in the elk forum good ole nunya is up to his tricks, and needs to get a post deleted, i have no moderator control in that forum or i would have deleted it myself.
Take a look your see what i mean, it is in the post to new memebers. i reported.
Brett is there a way to make the moderators able to modererate in each of the forumns or are we stuck in just the one we have been assigned to.
Take a look your see what i mean, it is in the post to new memebers. i reported.
Brett is there a way to make the moderators able to modererate in each of the forumns or are we stuck in just the one we have been assigned to.
Thanks for all the work! As for Nonya, he might be the first person I have to ban.
You could always suspend his account for a month or so.......then if he comes back and continues to post rude and discourteous remarks he get banned for good. Progressive discipline sometimes gets people's attention. Just a thought.
He is a repeat offender and just does not seem to care about the rules or other people in general.
SUSPEND or BOOT HIM please do something with him BRETT.
I'll work on the MODS and permissions in each forum as it seems they are a bit messed up.
THANKS to each of you!!
Thanks fellas!
GWH - I'll work on the MODS for you later.
Also thank you for the Moderator work too.
Not sure if I'll let him back ever after this latest trick.
NONYA sent me a PM asking why he was banned...then I get another one from him with his new screen name. I was going to jump in this forum and ask about it but I just read back and understand.
Funny, NONYA PMed me a while back about some rather rude and unacceptable PMs he got from the other member. I PMed the other member and asked him to please stop the vulger PMs and that if he had issues with another member to let me or one of the Mods know about it. I guess, after reading this, that it had continued.
Although NONYA's actions were out of line at times on here, him and I exchanged a few PMs over the years and I have gotten to know him fairly well. I know most of ya will disagree with me but I think he's a decent enough guy on a personal level...he just does not play well with others and is EXTREMELY opinionated. With that being said, I do NOT disagree with the actions taken and support them completely.
I HOPE he cools down a bit after this and sticks around. No matter how much of a pain in the rear he was at times, I always liked seeing his pics and hearing about his hunting trips. I getting soft in my old age?!?!?! lol
No I don't think you are getting soft. I also like Nonya and have gotten to know him over the years. He use to post a lot on 4 or 5 years ago and we chatted quite a bit. I respect his hunting savvy and experience on the mountain. He's a knowledgable guy and can really be helpful. He eventually got banned from for his rude and offensive behavior. He kind of has a split personality and goes off at times, whether it alcohol induced or not, I'm not sure but he's his own worse enemy and can really kill a forum if left unchecked. After he got banned from he came back with other names like Mt. Wacko, etc. but after a little while he would go off on someone. We finally had to ban his IP address. I missed him after he was gone and was excited to see him join us on but sure enough he turned back to his old ways.
I also agree I like the guy sometomes but sometimes he is just over the top.
He is his own worse enemy and can really kill a forum if left unchecked.
I enjoyed his success stories, photos, etc. also, but he was becoming more of a hindrance to the board than a help.
As for IP addresses or banning those, I've checked and he has posted from it looks like over 300 different IP addresses. So banning one or 2 of the main ones will slow him down, but not prevent him from registering. With routers and such these days IP addresses can change all the time, so I can disrupt him but not stop entirely.
He needs a dose or 2 of humility IMO.