mapleton archer
9/15/08 9:06pm
Lincoln Poulsen - So. Utah
Great posts guys and thanks for sharing 10sign:
What region were you hunting and what are some numbers, score or width?
Hope I can hang with the rest of the crowd!
Okay now my turn......again......sorry if you all get bored with him, but I have the rack sitting in the room so I can peer over and look at it every now and then. The excitement has yet to wear off! lol
Arizona Strip-August 2008:
feel free to post it at least once a day until next september, that otta give me some extra motivation for next year! :thumb
COngrats on all the great bucks. :thumb
and the rest of the bucks thus far also. Looks this year is turning into a banner year!
you left the [ off of the img tags. Hope you don't mind me putting it on for you.
I told myself I was not going home without my first 4 point, and I failed.
The first 3 days of hunting we were getting hit with nearly continuous snow, and when the 4th day came around and the weather was good, I decided to see if I was right about where the deer come migrating from.
I couldn't pass this guy up. Matter of fact, I thought I saw 4 points on his left side (doh!). He wouldn't stop moving his head. He was nearly 300 yds away so I tried to aim a little high and wounded him just under the spine. I chased him into some timber and put him down with a 20 yd standing shot. I guess I should get a rangefinder and a new scope. I have a Redfield Widefield 3x9, and the eye relief is terrible for me. I had a bad rest for the 2nd shot I made at range (which missed) and the scope got me in the nose.
I'm still patiently waiting for my first 4x4, and I have to do it on public land by my own senses. When the day finally comes, I hope I'm not too nervous to hold still!
welcome to the site, hope ya enjoy it!!
its always good to have another BRONCOS fan here
how was your elk hunt this year?
It's nice to see a quality deer without all the camera specials to make seem larger than life. Congrats, and I hope you continue to do well.
I didnt buy a tag and wishin I would of #-o
hiker nice buck!!!!
9er were is the pic of your buck? :thumb
Lots of fun on the Muzzy this year!
Was watching a nice buck Sunday morning that was out at first light nosing some does. Took a good look at him and decided I’d go for it. Nothing huge, but a respectable 24 inch buck. Decided to make a half circle to sneak in before they bedded down. During that time they moved… I figured it was in the direction I was heading because it is a real good bedding area and I bumped a nice deer in there the day before.
So I was sneaking in and then I looked up the hill and a string of deer were moving up above, coming from the direction where those other deer were feeding earlier. In the lead was a 4 point buck. He was moving through the trees and I couldn’t get a good look at him, but there were roughly the same amount of does and he was coming from the right direction, so I just concluded it was the same deer. I only had a small window before they were out of range and sight, so I set up and shot him when he stepped through a small clearing. Got up there and it was a different buck. I actually passed on this deer the day before.
Still a great buck and a fantastic hunt.
I'm getting a kick out of the sheep picture. Either that is a really "hot" ewe, or she is the supermodel of the Bighorn world!
I didn't mean to imply that everyone is done hunting. In fact, I still have two late season bow tags left. I just thought it would be the easiest way to tell everyone who has posted a buck so far congratulations.
Is this a little better?
Congratulations everyone on a great part of a year that isn't over yet because many of us still have tags and the fat lady hasn't sung yet so good luck to all and post them when you've got them. :thumb
By far the best buck i have seen all year and the heaviest I have ever taken. :thumb
My 14 year old son managed to arrow his third & fourth deer with a bow......but his first state archery record class buck. The very next weekend he filled his final tag with a smaller blacktail buck. Two archery blacktails in two weeks.
With both of my son's tags filled, it was time for me to fill my tag. With both kids in tow, we all headed up to the rain soaked hills on Sunday to try and find a shooter buck. Soon after daybreak, I spotted this heavy old white faced buck. With the kids staying put and glassing from the next ridge over, I managed to stalk in on this buck and let the air out of him. Kids got to see the whole show. This blacktail is definitely a regressing buck.....teeth worn to the gum-line, white face, several burrs just under 1" long all the way up the main beams. A fun morning with the kids......doesn't get much better, IMO.
Roy, looks like your son is turning into a better hunter than his dad. You may have to take some of your mounts down to make room for his!
Those are some real nice blacktails, what part of cali are they from. The reason I ask, I just move out of Cali to Texas & huntin the Whitetail to me is no comparison to huntin the Blacktail those are some nice blacktails yall got.
Keep em comin!!!!
I for one would LOVE to hear your story regarding this year's harvest!
this is my 08 southern general rifle buck. i had hunted the opening weekend only seeing a spike and nothing else and so i was determined just to shoot anything that had horns by the time i was headed down poverty in over by zion when i took the road less traveled apon and spotted this guy. he was about 30 yards away when i dropped him in his tracks. i was extremly happy it was a big improvement from my 2x3 archery buck two years before. he has about and 10 inch inline, he is a 4x5
Ya got a story to go along with it?
I still haven't been able to upload the photo directly. The buck green scored 196 2/8". My first wall hanger after 14 years of tags. You can see in the picture that this old buck had gotten a little lazy. There is still some velvet on his brow tines and under the main beams. I liked the bladed G3 and the cheaters.
this is a buck my neighbor killed i believe it was 29" wide. It was a pretty good buck i believe he got it with his muzzleloader off of cedar mtn.
Here's my '08 Late Kaibab buck, tough hunt with lots of scouting and thanks to trail cams he's now wearin' my tag! Congrats again to everyone! JIM>
Here's my '08 Late Kaibab buck, tough hunt with lots of scouting and thanks to trail cams he's now wearin' my tag! Congrats again to everyone! JIM>
He's awesome love the webbing between the G2 and G3. Deep forks, heavy mass, looks like a great buck what did he green score? Congrats on a unique buck. 10sign:
with a post like that ::wel aboard.
Holy Batman, that may be the prettiest picture I've seen all year!! What a buck!! 10sign: 10sign:
Question.. what stock is that on your remington in the pic ?
Because of the appearance of all the straight-up long tines I named him "Sticks" during scouting. I have several trail cam pics of him prior to the hunt and even passed a 323 yard shot on him opening day, buck fever set in and I couldn't hold steady enough for a clean shot. I found him at first light on the second day and hammered him at 381 yards. We green scored him in camp at 218" with 14 scoreable points, definitely a one of a kind dream buck for me, I'm still in awe! Thanks everyone. JIM>
The gun is a custom Rem. 700 in .300 WM, Hart barrel, Lazzeroni Thumbhole stock by McMillan, and a 6.5-20 x50 VXIII LRT Leupold scope.
Welcome to the site ::wel
I hate to have to follow that one, but here is a Texas Panhandle Muley, my first:
My first muley was a spike. That should make you feel a whole lot better. Your buck is a shooter for sure congratulations. :thumb
I am very proud of this Muley, especially for the area hunted. He is with the Taxidermist as we speak.
WELCOME!! Which state? Tell your wife congrats on a FINE and very unique Mule Deer. 10sign: 10sign:
Happy scouting.
Man, I have been here at MuleyMadness since 2003 and this has got to be the best year thus far! CONGRATS to everyone :not-worthy
Congratulations to the new huntress! That's an awesome looking mule deer. Thanks for sharing.
This is my 2008 muley from SE WY. He is 32 1/2" wide.
welcome aboard also
That's a dandy of a buck. ::wel to MuleyMadness! :thumb
WYMULEY weklcome to the madness. Thats a great buck. It must be great going over the thirty inch mark. Take a minute and post a story about your hunt. I'm sure all would love to hear it. 10sign:
That night I was hunting my wife when she decided to sit on a rock while I looked around and tried to push deer to her. I went down into a draw and when I came out I saw a big buck round the corner into the next canyon. I think it was the same deer. Later I went back to the area by myself early in the morning and walked the same route I had before. I went into the same draw and was thinking that the deer probably waited until I got out of sight and then he ran for the other canyon. Suddenly, I heard some rustling in the brush to my right and I turned. He exploded from the brush about 50 feet away. He was running up the bank and he was so close I couldn't find him in my scope, so I looked around the scope found him and then put the cross hairs back on him. I shot him in the spine as he was running up the bank and then again in the shoulder. I had no idea he was that big until I got up to him and realized that I had shot a buck of a lifetime and didn't know it. I'm glad I didn't know how big he was so the nerves couldn't take their toll on my shooting.
I never thought I would get a buck over the 30" mark close to home. I have only had a couple people say they had seen any shot that were close to that size at least since the '60's. It is definitely a memorable experience. Lots of sentimental value in this one. Not just a big buck.
Got mine in the spine as he was running away. I had no idea how big he was till I got up to him. realized he was the buck of a lifetime, and I too was glad i hadn't realized how big he was until he was down. I had buck fever trying to reload the muzzle loader without knowing I had a B&C class buck laying on the ground a hundred yards away. I know how you feel and its a great feeling. Congratulations.
::wel and WOW what a buck! 10sign:
Care to tell us the story?
He sure tasted good though.
If this happens again, I'm going to ask F&G if I can have another tag.. :>/
Note to self, move to Utah! :thumb