Post your 09 muley here

I know its still alittle early we still have a few weeks for the bow hunt to start but who will be the first to post up their 09 muley?
Not too early to post up some pics of the big one you've all been watching for the past couple of months.
Thats very true 79ford. Who here has the guts to post the buck they've been scouting all summer with the confidence that they'll bring him home? lol
January 09 from AZ:" alt="" />

Okay....okay, I guess you mean next month's season. lol
mapleton archer
bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb
mapleton archer
sneekeepete ,
im with you.if someone posts up the buck they are scouting and brings it home some sort of prize should be in order.
Here is my 09 buck from This past January... He was a stud for the area we were hunting... He ended up going 160's and 26 wide... Cant wait for 2010!
2009 Az buck
2009 Az buck
A 160" buck with a bow is a stud in any area IMO. Cool buck! :thumb
[quote="mapleton archer"]bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb[/quote

What ? someone tagged 9er? Maybe this post should be over in the rumor thread :))
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BOHNTR & GRAYLIGHT......Very nice bucks.... 10sign:

Good Luck everyone for the hunts coming soon,
"NotEnufTags" wrote:
mapleton archer wrote:bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb[/quote

What ? someone tagged 9er? Maybe this post should be over in the rumor thread :))
im alive and well, still growing my horn out to its fullest potential lol (see rumor thread) thanks for the concern

great bucks BOHNTR and GRAYLIGHT 10sign: :not-worthy

"9er" wrote:
NotEnufTags wrote:
mapleton archer wrote:bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb[/quote

What ? someone tagged 9er? Maybe this post should be over in the rumor thread :))
im alive and well, still growing my horn out to its fullest potential lol (see rumor thread) thanks for the concern

great bucks BOHNTR and GRAYLIGHT 10sign: :not-worthy

Bohntr and greylight those are some very nice '09 bucks. A great way to start out the 09 thread.

As for 9er growin horn out your head, you must be Mormon or the Devil? :))
The Ox
"9er" wrote:
NotEnufTags wrote:
mapleton archer wrote:bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb[/quote

What ? someone tagged 9er? Maybe this post should be over in the rumor thread :))
im alive and well, still growing my horn out to its fullest potential lol (see rumor thread) thanks for the concern

great bucks BOHNTR and GRAYLIGHT 10sign: :not-worthy

hahahahahah lol good one 9er glad to here your still roamin the hills! i was a bit worried ! glad it was just another nasty rumor!
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Real nice bucks, gentlemen. I'd like to hear the stories - spot, stalk, shot, tracking, etc. I always like to hear what BOHNTER has to say and those could be good stories to get us fired up for the upcoming season.
"ICMDEER" wrote:Real nice bucks, gentlemen. I'd like to hear the stories - spot, stalk, shot, tracking, etc. I always like to hear what BOHNTER has to say and those could be good stories to get us fired up for the upcoming season.
+1 I don't really need anything to get me fired up for the season but it never hurts to get even more fired up!!!
"ICMDEER" wrote:Real nice bucks, gentlemen. I'd like to hear the stories - spot, stalk, shot, tracking, etc. I always like to hear what BOHNTER has to say and those could be good stories to get us fired up for the upcoming season.
+1 I don't think I've ever read one of Bohntr's posts that wasn't value added. He definitely tries to help and is a great moderator/contributor.
"BOHNTR" wrote:January 09 from AZ:" alt="" />

Okay....okay, I guess you mean next month's season. lol

Show off! :))

ok. I know this is not what was ment, but since I'm not the only one here is my 1st 09 buck.
Louisiana Bow hunt public land. Jan 2009
also in the pic is my friend Chip, who went on this hunt with me.

I know this buck was no super stud, but he was a little unsual 7x1
205 lbs. and a 1st for me. After watching this buck for over 30 min, and throwing everything I had at him. at 60 yards he was not coming any close. so I got down out of my stand and sliped up to only 18 yard of this deer. he was hiding under some brush and I think he thought he was hidden. but as you can see he was not safe.
Nice bucks everyone. I love to see those "unusual" deer Tommy. Thanks for posting.
mapleton archer
OK,Who will be the first to post their bow kill this weekend? Oh wait that will be me! :)) lol I hope.
"NotEnufTags" wrote:
mapleton archer wrote:bohntr ,
very nice i didnt actually think anyone had tagged a 9er yet good job way to be first! :thumb[/quote

What ? someone tagged 9er? Maybe this post should be over in the rumor thread :))
mapleton archer
Well, its not mine but this is my cousins boy Matt. I took these pictures opening morning . this is his first buck. =D> good job Matt
1st buck? what a dog!

very cool, probably would score just a touch bigger than my whopping 7" first forked horn.............
Congratulations to the young man......that's an awesome first buck!
"killerbee" wrote:1st buck? what a dog!

very cool, probably would score just a touch bigger than my whopping 7" first forked horn.............
And your whopping 7" forkie would score better than my first buck, a 5" barely legal spike in the velvet. I got grief for it from my hunting buddies, but I was 16, alone, and it was with a bow. I definitely learned a lot from that experience and am glad for all it taught me. I think your first buck with a bow is a trophy regardless of size.

BTW it was great eating. Very tender meat.

Congrats to matt on a great first buck.
Congrats on a great 1st buck!!!! :thumb :thumb
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Great first buck for sure.
Thats a GREAT 1st buck. Be proud of that one for sure!
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definatly a trophy for a first especially with a bow!! some day I'll get one with a bow! :not-worthy
That's a very nice tall buck, great job and nice pictures :thumb
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Thats a sweet buck! I like that little cheater he's got in the middle of his G4 &G5, congrats sharpstick!
Great buck 10sign:
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how do you guys all hunt these things during archery? spot and stalk or tree stands...I think its awesome. gotta try it. I hunt our whitetails from the air in a tree...
"muleywannabe" wrote:how do you guys all hunt these things during archery? spot and stalk or tree stands...
For me (and my party), it really depends on the day. This year had its pair share of rain/moisture and the vegetation is growing everywhere. I sat in a treestand next to a spring and my buddy was able to get a 2pt buck last weekend. For the Elk that we're hunting, we've heard more reports of people spotting/jumping them via spot/stock. With the heat being so high near our Honey Hole, they're not coming in to water during the day. They're all sleeping during the day it seems like. I left my spot one night after not seeing anything all day and didnt come back till mid-day the next day only to find tons of prints in the wallow (DANG! missed em again!). If the weather was cooler, I'd be back up in the stand waiting on them. Im gonna do lots of hiking this weekend though, it seems its been more effective in this hot UT weather.