Post your 09 smoke pole buck here.
9/23/09 10:40am
lets see all the bucls that get killed! big or small lets see um!
26 1/2" wide (4x5) No score on him, but a good buck with good eyeguards.
Take this AM in Southern Utah.
Trent Moss is the Hunter.
Here's my brothers unique '09 muzzle loader buck. The story is in the thread "Discouraging but Successful Muzzy Hunt 1 for 3, with a 4x 1"
here is the brush pile that i rested my encore on . A small herd of deer would come down out of the mountains cross a fence and enter the area i was hunting . I was hiding by a rock and just before they jumped the fence they winded me and went 200 yards east and jumped the fence there and entered the field i was in . I crawled to the brush pile put my 1 x scope a foot over his back and dropped him . He was a fat 2x2 from eating in the wheat , corn safflower and alfalfa and winter wheat in the area . I could only get way for a few hrs each morning and evening and was glad to get anything . I did see 15 bucks and around 200 does while hunting the few times id did get out and all were smaller than the little guy i shot . And he has small horns . Getting out and taking anything is great !! :thumb Some good eating to be had for sure .
here is the fence they WERE going to cross when they winded me /
and here is where i WAS hiding . It was a great set up just wish there had been some bigger deer but i still had a great time . Just great to be out !! :thumb
NICE buck !!
How do you like your CVA Apex ?? They are nice looking guns and will give TC Encores a run for the money for sure !! I have seen some really good reviews on the apex . Here are a few !!!
After he drew out, he called me looking for a place to start. He really wanted to get away from the crowds. Even at the exspense of seeing less deer. I told him of a place I had see some good bucks a few years ago and I thought would not get much pressure at all. He was all over that idea/spot. On opening day he missed a 28+ buck 4x4 and then about a 26" 3x3 a few days later. Then this buck showed up the night before the big storm hit. He had it at 50 yards and fired off two caps but the powder would not ignite. Then the snow came and he called me from under a juniper tree for a weather report. I told him to hang tight, it should pass in a few hours and he just might have a great evening hunt. Just keep the powder dry. lol That evening the big buck showed back up in the same area as the night before and this time his gun did go off. He was shooting a 50 cal. hawkins style muzzy. Check out the awesome bases. Must be at least 7" in diameter. Also, he said he never saw another hunter in the 9 days he was out there, only a couple cowboys checking on cows. Congrats Owen. :thumb
My son just had to get into the picture when Owen stopped by my house to show me the buck.
Your a heck of a good guy and friend Ridge. I'm way impressed. :thumb
I love it!! I missed a couple nice four points, but it was my fault. I didn't have much time to master it. I shot the presicion QT 215 grain and it loved it. I think I'd use them on elk. I hit the front shoulder bone, blew it up and still managed to go throuh both lungs. Looking forward to buying a new barrel for it in either a 22-250 or 223 or 243. I can't seem to make up my mind just yet, but I'm leaning towards the 243.
I also saw about 20 sheds hes picked up in the last couple of months that are over 80" sheds. Man he's good. He was with his dad and saw 2 inches of a tine at 500 yards. He said dad somthings out of place down there. He brought up his binos and said theres a shed. He spent the next 15 minutes trying to eplain to his dad where it was through the binos. Dad said youre up in the night there's no shed at the foot of the bush that your describing. When they walked down to the bush the 2" were the tip of an over 80" side. I wish my eyes were trained like that.
Welcome and congrats on a fine buck. :thumb
Thanks for sharing cool buck or doe? :)