Post Your 2007 Bucks Here!
6x6 bull
9/16/08 9:05pm
Here is a pic of my friends and my bucks from 07 " alt="" />

August 07-CO:
September 07-CA Blacktail-Hybrid:
December 07-CA:
:not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy
This years buck......I was lucky. I had three friends (guides) who knew where to go and helped make my first "guided" experience second to none. I still thank them!
Great bucks everyone!
Agreed...sweet deer and thanks for sharing!
Utah Muzz
Nevada Rifle
my wife and i with her first deer and my first 4x4
Lindsay with her Deer
My oldest son Kyle with his deer 2x3 with a broken 3rd you can see it broke off on the right side look at that smile this is why i do it.
this was the Hunting party we had with us that day. Kyle the hunter, Me, my youngest Ashton, and Taylor, its his first year, and he loves the bow hunt already. we didn't make a connection so i hope on the Muzzle Loader he can like his big bro did.
Keep you all posted
This buck was the first of the season after 4 years off due to Unlce Sam. A respectable 3x4
I didn't plan on getting a second tag but since I limited on the second day of rifle season and was still getting paid by the military, I figured I go look for a "wall hanger" This is what I found. He is my best buck ever. 26 7/8" wide 4x5. I have no idea what he scores. Any ideas? 301 yards with my .280
Very hard to stalk in that condtion! lol
Brett, did you get your muzzy buck mounted?
LOL, i know what ya mean man. My wife grew up thinking all hunters were in it for the antlers and none of it was for the meat. While dating she tried to convince me that hunting was wrong, but she eventually dropped it and even went hunting with me once. It was early in the morning and we were the first ones in the area so we were just riding the roads seeing what we could see. She was actually having a good time........ Then we turned a corner and there were two small bucks standing there broadside. I shot the bigger of the two bucks and he ran off into the brush. She ended up finding him and even helped me clean him. Then when we got home she saw him being cut up into steaks and roasts, and even some steaks cooked for dinner that night. That did it for her, seeing him alive, then dead, then cut up, and then on her plate was too much for her. I'm lucky to get her to eat any of it now let alone go out hunting with me. But she respects my need to go hunting and doesn't get after me as much about missing work. Maybe in another 10 years she'll give it another tro, who knows.