Post your 2009 Lope pics here
10/2/09 10:58am
Hey everyone lets see those pics you took of this years harvest, we would all like to see them.
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In Colorado you can get 2 buck tags too as long as one of the buck tags is good only for Private land or a PLO tag. For instance I usually draw a PLO tag and then buy a voucher which is good unit wide from the rancher where I hunt. I usually do this in unit 3 and unit 4 as they offer a bunch of PLO tags and I know some ranchers out there that hate the antelope.
After this hunt, we went over to Nevada, where we found tough hunting. He did manage to kill a 14 1/2" buck over there on the 3rd evening, but it was the only decent buck we saw in our time there. We forgot to take any pictures of that buck, as he shot it almost at quitting time, and we were in a big hurry to get on the road, as he'd gotten a call that he had to get back to work. If it hadn't been for his job (deckhand on a San Diego long range boat at the time) we'd have passed the buck and kept hunting. As it was, we were glad to get a buck as nice as he shot.
All in all, it was a good trip that we enjoyed togehter. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us.