Post your 2009 Lope pics here

Hey everyone lets see those pics you took of this years harvest, we would all like to see them.
Springville Shooter
Most of these pics are on the forum in other places, but I'll put em all here for organizational purposes. The top two were killed by me and a buddy in Utah's Parker Mt unit. Mine is 14" and scores a perfect 74 with no deductions. The huge antelope at the bottom was killed by a guy I know back in California. It's nearly 16" high and I think it scored 85, any way it will go in the B&C books for sure. -----shooter
Hangin tree baby!
Hangin tree baby!
Big antelope killed by a buddy in California
Big antelope killed by a buddy in California
My 2009 Parker Mt Utah buck
My 2009 Parker Mt Utah buck
My buddy Keith and his nice buck with the Ivory tip that I wanted!
My buddy Keith and his nice buck with the Ivory tip that I wanted!
Great bucks, and nice pics! thank you for sharing the pics with us, its nice to see your success.
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Here's this morning's hunt with a buddy of mine. It's certainly not a big one, but it was a fun hunt for all and we also took a young girl out on her first big game hunt and she also knocked down a doe at 350 yrds. Much better shooting than our experienced friend. I guess it goes to show on the video that young bucks are not that smart. Think he was ever shot at before?

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Springville Shooter
Wowzers, that is some video. Apparently he didn't want to spend another cold winter on the range, or have to watch the big bucks breeding all the does. Congarats on the buck and double congrats on the young lady who made the great shot on the doe.----shooter
Wow great video and wow that is the stupidest lope in the world. I have hunted a lot of lopes and have always thought them to be very smart at least after opening day, but this guy was dumb as a brick and needed to be thined from the herd so it cant pass its stupidity on.
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My son and I.
Nice bucks guys, what state did you bag them in
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We were in Wyoming.
My goat
My goat
My son Zach who is 16
My son Zach who is 16
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I got both of these goats within minutes of each other in Wyoming. They are not very big but the hunt was fun. In this area of Wyoming you are allowed to purchase 2 full price tags for any antelope, so you can shoot two bucks.
Wow, nice job! what area allows for 2 bucks :-k
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Wyoming has "Exception hunt areas" which include units 001-005,008-010,015-026,029,102,109 and 113. These areas allow you to buy 2 full price antelope tags. This hunt took place in unit 029.
I agree wyoming has great lope hunting. My parents live down there and I have harvested some nice animals there but I unfortunitly was not infomed of this wonderful oppertunity. Thank you! :thumb
I never get tired of looking a lope pics, thanx all for sharing. :thumb
Wow, nice job! what area allows for 2 bucks
There is a bunch of units in the eastern part of the state that allow for 2 bucks you can get one tag in the draw and a second tag as a left over or you can buy both as a leftover. I hunt unit 25 on my friends ranch and they allow you to get 2 buck tags as well.

In Colorado you can get 2 buck tags too as long as one of the buck tags is good only for Private land or a PLO tag. For instance I usually draw a PLO tag and then buy a voucher which is good unit wide from the rancher where I hunt. I usually do this in unit 3 and unit 4 as they offer a bunch of PLO tags and I know some ranchers out there that hate the antelope.
Congrats to everyone who got an antelope in 2009 great pics keep them coming.
Goofy Elk
Heres my kids with my 09 archery lope off Parker.
My dads nontyp doe, has anyone seen one like this
nontyp doe
nontyp doe
I've seen a buck like that but not a doe that's sweet
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I didn't shoot this buck, I only took the pictures. Very unusual pronghorn. 15 1/2"" alt="" />
WOW, what a unique COOL buck. 10sign:
very cool looking buck
DLS- That is a sweet Loper!
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cool buck 10sign:
I love how that rack drifts like that :thumb
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My son is the hunter in that photo with his buck. He watched it, in range, for over an hour before deciding to shoot it. He was one lucky antelope hunter this year, as he drew both a California pronghorn tag, as well as one in Nevada. We made it one long pronghorn hunt. We hunted in California first, where he took this buck on the 4th day of the season. He was holding out for a bigger buck, but finally decided that he can kill a bigger buck in the future, but might never kill a more unusual pronghorn. He's got a ton of points for antelope in Arizona, Wyoming, and Oregon, so he knows he's going to go on more good pronghorn hunts.

After this hunt, we went over to Nevada, where we found tough hunting. He did manage to kill a 14 1/2" buck over there on the 3rd evening, but it was the only decent buck we saw in our time there. We forgot to take any pictures of that buck, as he shot it almost at quitting time, and we were in a big hurry to get on the road, as he'd gotten a call that he had to get back to work. If it hadn't been for his job (deckhand on a San Diego long range boat at the time) we'd have passed the buck and kept hunting. As it was, we were glad to get a buck as nice as he shot.

All in all, it was a good trip that we enjoyed togehter. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us.
Here's the buck I took with my bow in Idaho this year with an unlimited tag. He's 15 1/4 long." alt="" />