posting pics from fishing trip

how do I post pictures?? use the img function after the image or what?
Check under Announcements, it explains how to post pics there. I believe you need to paste pic in the middle of img.
"muleywannabe" wrote:how do I post pictures?? use the img function after the image or what?
In order to post pictures they need to be sized down so that they don't take up so much memory. Many posters use a web account like photo bucket to accomplish the "sizing" of their pictures. I think it's a pain and prefer to open my photos with paint. Once the photo comes up hit "Ctrl W", a stretch skew dialog box will come up. I usually put in 15% for both horizontal and verticle. (beware the first time I used it I made my buck unrealistically wide by not keeping the vert and horizonal ratios the same).

Once sized down, save your image as "name sized" to where ever you save images on your computer.

Now start a topic, at the bottom it says upload attachments. Click browse, browse for where you saved your image. Then click upload attachment. Once uploaded, place your cursor where you want the image to appear in your post and click "place inline"

Voila your done and we get to share your pics with you!