Posting with smart phone?
10/12/12 8:04am
well I Jumped in the world of smart phones yesterday, long story (that might get vented on another topic), but I tried posting and had a couple difficulties?
#1- I could see the text while I was typing, so basically had no clue if I had misspelled anything( as if I'M worried about that:) ) or where i was at in the reply?
#2- where do you even start with posting pics from a phone?
#3- any other tricks on posting with a phone? I don't know about that SWYPE system for typing? seemed like a pain but the lady said it would get better. I am thinking about trading it for the iphone4s, mine is a "lucid 4"? I have 14 days to decide but everyone has told me I need to get the I phone.
what do you think?
#1- I could see the text while I was typing, so basically had no clue if I had misspelled anything( as if I'M worried about that:) ) or where i was at in the reply?
#2- where do you even start with posting pics from a phone?
#3- any other tricks on posting with a phone? I don't know about that SWYPE system for typing? seemed like a pain but the lady said it would get better. I am thinking about trading it for the iphone4s, mine is a "lucid 4"? I have 14 days to decide but everyone has told me I need to get the I phone.
what do you think?

10/12/12 12:19pm
I have tried to post pics from my phone but always had the problem with the size being too big. But different phones might work different on that. I have the original Droid Incredible (which I can finally upgrade for free) and could post just fine on it but still kinda a pain to do, same issues that you had. But now I am trying to figure out if I should upgrade to the iphone 4S or the Samsung Galaxy 3.....the only big issue is the Galaxy is a lot more money but have heard awesome reviews on it.

10/13/12 12:22am
Talk about technicly challenged. I cant post from my laptop now ya'll are moveing to I phones.

10/13/12 10:27am
I have to Droid X2 and it's not bad. I do have the same problem sometimes of not being able to see what I'm typing but usually turning it sideways helps. And as far as the pics goes it just depends sometimes it will automatically resize it for me and sometimes I have to do it. I think it depends on where the pic came from, message or actual pic I took etc.

10/13/12 11:11am
If this forum accepts tap-a-talk, that is the way to go. It is an app you can download. The forum has to be set up for it though, if it is not already.

10/15/12 2:49pm
We're looking into a couple of options that will "auto format" MuleyMadness into a mobile friendly version when visiting from a smart phone/ mobile device. Nothing concrete yet though.

10/16/12 3:54pm
The feature is now LIVE!

10/18/12 11:39am
I still haven't figured out how to post pics from my iphone yet... I guess I'll just have to wait to download them on to a computer first!

11/18/12 2:18pm
This is great! With the availability of this feature, I would no longer have to worry about visiting the forum when I'm on the road. Before this feature was implemented, there are instances when I won't be able to visit the forum for several days, now, this issue has been solved. Thanks to those who made it possible!

11/23/12 7:05pm
So has anyone figured out a way to post pictures strait from a smartphone? my wife takes pictures and instantly adds them to her facebook in 2 seconds- is there a way to do this here?